Page 21 of Her Arrival

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Chapter 10- Wesley

My head falls to one side, pressing into the soft blanket on my mattress. My muscles ache from the fight, and I know that if I don’t get rest, I’ll never be able to take on these bastards that are stealing female wolves.

I’ll never be able to prove myself to the pack leaders.

Most importantly, I’ll never be able to prove why I should be able to take any woman in our pack as our mate, and why Alana should be that woman.

Just the thought of her sweet skin and silky hair makes me rock hard. I wish I had balled up a fist full of it and fucked her until we both passed out. I wish I’d taken the chance to show her why I could be her mate.

I sigh. We’ve just met; I can’t jump this far ahead of myself.

Eventually, I drift into a light sleep. The soft sounds of the woods keep me awake, the gurgling of the water nearby, the sound of owls hooting, all of it keeps pulling me out of my dreams as I drift in and out of sleep.

However, I don’t allow myself to get out of bed until the sunlight pierces the back of my eyelids.

I swing my legs over the side of the bed and straighten myself out. I rake my fingers through the short black strands on my head. I pull on a new shirt, and I prepare a small breakfast. Eggs are sizzling in my pan as I hold it over the fire. I’m shifting it against the flames when there’s a sharp knock at the door.

I set the eggs down, deciding that sunny side up will have to do for the day.

I pull the door open, and Alana is standing in front of me. The lusty, confident gaze she wore yesterday has been erased. The lines by her eyes have been pulled tight.

She steps inside and shuts the door behind her.

“Have you talked to Harrison and everyone?”

Straight to business.

“Yeah, we’re talking more about what we should do with Brittney. She can’t stay here, she’s human.”

She nods. “I know. But Brittney told me something. She said that the guy we’re looking for- his name is Nolan. She just remembers a guy named Nolan.”

“Nolan.” His name feels like acid on my tongue. I curl my fingers into a fist. “We have to go find him.”

“Where would we even start?”

“Well, clearly he’s somewhere around Cosmos. I’ll talk to the pack leaders when they wake up, and we’ll go from there.”

Silence hangs in the air between us. I frown and reach for her hand, but she pulls away.

“I don’t think the pack leaders would approve of us.”


“You’re clearly going to be important here. No one is going to approve of you entertaining someone like me. Someone so…”

“Wonderful? Interesting? Brave?”

She shakes her head. “I’m going to cool down for a while. I think we should just focus on the search.”

“Alana- “


She turns around and slips out of the cabin before I have a chance to say more.

“Damn it.”

I’ve never been one to long after a woman, because honestly, I’ve never had to work for it. In my old pack, women used to slip their fingers over my skin in passing and press themselves against me when we were in close proximity. I’ve never had an issue with getting fucked, and I didn’t think I’d have a problem now.
