Page 4 of Her Arrival

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Jenna sets her long fingers on my elbow. “We have a couple of empty cabins. Let me show them to you.”

Her fingers linger on my elbow for longer than I’d like. She turns and leads me towards a couple of cabins. One is a bit smaller, with a single window. The other one looks sturdier and has two curtained windows.

I point at the one with two windows. “I’ll take that one, if that’s alright.”

Jenna smiles and says, “Have at it. Let us know if you need anything.”

I reach up and adjust the strap on my satchel, which holds the few things that I own. I hope that there’s a good shop nearby, somewhere I can buy some of my own supplies.

I step towards the door of the cabin. I press my hands against it, but it’s reluctant to move. I push harder, putting a bit of my strength against it, and it flings open. I step inside and run my eyes over the walls.

Everything is covered in a thin layer of dust. There’s a small fireplace with a pot in the corner, and there’s a few cabinets.

There’s a room towards the back. I drop my satchel and I move towards the back room.

I’ll need to get some sort of light source going. For now, the dwindling sunlight pours through one of the windows and illuminates a rickety bed. I grin as I all but flop onto it.

A bed. I haven’t seen one of these in ages. I’ve been roughing it for some time now, and I didn’t expect to find a bed this soon.

I turn to look out of the window, and the sound of raised voices makes its way through my window.

So much for a quiet first night.

I glance at the window, and Alana is backing herself against the wall of a cabin. A taller woman hovers over her.

“…I hope you’re not coming to eat some of Harrison’s kill. That’s not for you. You can eat the scraps.”

Alana holds her arms out in front of her. “I just came to see Kim.”

Her voice trembles but she manages to sound confident, as if she’s just annoyed that this woman is in her face.

The woman grunts and shoves her fist into Alana’s shoulder. Alana’s cheeks burn bright red. She opens her mouth as if she’s going to rightfully tell her to fuck off, but she shakes her head.

It’s not weird for pack mates to get into friendly tussles, but this is anything but that.

I hop off of the bed and make my way out of the cabin. I make my footsteps heavy as I walk over to Alana and the wolf.

Alana groans, “Amina, would you just give it a rest for the day- “

“What’s going on here?”

I glance between Alana and who I assume to be Amina.

Amina raises a thin eyebrow and peels her eyes off of Alana. She gives me a once over and says, “Who the hell are you?”

“Wesley. I’m new to the pack. Are you guys having an argument or something?”

Alana’s voice is clipped as she says, “No.”

Amina shrugs. “It’s not like Alana does much arguing. She knows better.”

I glance at Alana, then at Amina. Irritation prickles the edges of my mind. After all, I don’t know if Alana has done something in the past to warrant this. However, the quivering yet defiant girl in front of me gives me the idea that Alana has never asked for any of this. Including being born into this pack.

“’She knows better’? I’m sorry, who are you? I just met the pack leaders, Harrison and everyone, but they didn’t mention you.”

Amina narrows her eyes as I question her and I add, “You must not be that important. Anyways, I wanted to talk to Alana about something, do you mind?”

Amina’s eyes widen and she points at Alana, “Youwantto talk to her?”
