Page 8 of Her Arrival

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“I-I have some news!”

I almost clap my hands over my mouth after I blurt it out. My sputtering has caught the attention of Rico, Niles, and Harrison.

I nod at them and say, “I was just in town. I saw the news, and there’s werewolf women going missing. They’re going missing and the police can’t recover them.”

Rico snorts. “I wonder if they’re even trying.”

Harrison frowns and says, “You’re sure of this?”

“Yes, I saw the report myself.”

Jenna eyes me before saying, “Did you come here to rally the troops?”

Harrison turns his shocked glance towards Jenna, and he says, “Jenna. This is serious. If there are werewolf women going missing, we have to be careful.”

Jenna crosses her arms. “I don’t know if I would believe anything she says. She probably heard it wrong. I bet it’s just human women that were obsessed with werewolves.” She rolls her eyes. “You know how that thing goes.”

My mouth flies open before I can stop myself. “Can you just stop for a second?”

My raised voice attracts stares and I say, “These women might be dead, and who knows if we’re next! Can you put aside your weird hatred for me to protect us? Someone is coming for us.”

Harrison, Rico, and Niles look at me with pity in their eyes. Jenna balls her fists together and takes a couple of steps towards me.

“I’ve let you talk long enough, pup. Now, get out of my face and go find Kim or something. We don’t need your help with this matter.”

White hot anger passes through me, and I ball up my fists too. My jaw tightens and I say, “Fine. Have it your way.”

I turn before Jenna can throw any more mean words my way, and I walk towards my cabin. I don’t care if they hate me or not.

Regardless of how they feel about me, it doesn’t change the facts.

Someone is coming for us.

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