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He stood when he saw me. “Should we get started on those interview questions?"

“Yes,” I said, realizing that seeing how amazing Drew’s life was just reminded me of everything I was missing. “Alexis told me your last practice didn't go exactly as planned."

Drew groaned. "Yeah, you might be here for a while." His eyes darted behind me. "Actually, do you mind if I change into something more comfortable real quick?"

He was going to change?

Like, right now?

My cheeks heated when an image of him without a shirt popped into my mind. And I bit my lip because my imagination was way too good at doing that. Like all the times I’d watched him playing basketball with Aiden in the driveway had burned that image into my permanent memory.

Only he was older now and had all those muscles I’d seen on my TV.

Get your mind out of the gutter, Kate,I chided myself when I started picturing what he’d look like doing pushups without a shirt.

I shook my head and hoped when I met his gaze that he couldn’t tell what was going through my mind. “Go ahead and change.” I swallowed. “I'll, uh, meet you downstairs."

Because I really needed to get out of his bedroom.

Drew couldn't actto save his life, I mused, as we prepped for his upcoming interviews.

But there was something so endearing about it that I couldn't help but smile at all his answers.

He was tryingsohard.

But maybe that was the problem. It was like when he’d helped me with my films in middle school. Back then, I’d used all my free time to create extravagant screenplays, and then I’d coerced Aiden and Drew into recording them with me and my friends.

"Do you remember what we did when we were younger?" I asked once we'd made it through the list of questions one more time.

Drew looked confused. "Could you be more specific? I've known you since I was eleven…we did a lot of things together."

"I'm talking about when you helped me run lines for my films.”

"Like when you let me use the script as more of a guideline for the scene?” Inspiration dawned on Drew's face.

"I was thinking you could use Alexis's answers as more of a guide, but use your own words so it doesn't sound so robotic. You don't talk like this—your way of speaking is much more relaxed and languid. Alexis is more up and down, and precise. It's no wonder this hasn't been working."

Drew’s blue eyes lit up. ”You're a genius, Kate.” He sighed with relief. “I was on the verge of an aneurysm with these."

“Should we start from the top then?” I glanced down at the sheet in my lap, sat up straight, and spoke in my best talk-show-host voice. "What was this experience like?"

Drew sat up in his chair as well. "It was great. I feel so lucky that I got to have this amazing opportunity, and I can't tell you enough how glad I am that it's over."

I scrunched up my nose. "Maybe just leave off that last bit?"

He laughed and rubbed a hand over his face. "I guess you're right. They'd probably have a few questions about that, which Alexis would definitely not want me giving the answers to."

“Probably not." I smiled. "But other than that, that was much better. It sounded so much more like you."

Drew sighed. "Good. Let's just hope Alexis is okay with us deviating from the script."

"I'm pretty sure she'll see you've only made improvements. I mean, I should know that. You always made mine way better."

"I still can't believe you talked me into dressing up like some pansy and tromping around your backyard like a fairy godmother all those years ago."

"I was pretty persuasive, wasn't I?"

"I don't know if that was it exactly. You certainly never got Aiden to make such a fool of himself."

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