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"Hey, don't knock it. My mom always told me a guy could learn a lot by reading and watching what his female counterparts liked. I mean, girls are trained for romance and to expect all this lovey-dovey stuff. How's a guy supposed to know how to woo a girl if he doesn't study up on the art of romance?"

"You surprise me, Drew Burrows. And might I say, I've never been prouder."

"I'm glad I could finally impress you." He shot me a wink.

I laughed. "I think I like this new confident Casanova."

"So when do you want to go over it? You have Wednesday off, right?" he asked. Then, as if realizing something, he hurried to say, "Unless of course you'd rather work on it with Nolan. I don't want to overstep my bounds or anything here."

"Actually, he's not really very supportive of my writing."Especially since he's living in Seattle with his girlfriend."He thinks movies are a waste of people's time and money."

“What?" Drew's shoulders went rigid, his jaw tense.

I shrugged. "It's really fine." I actually couldn’t care less now. If things went my way, I'd never see him again.

I really needed to tell Drew about the divorce. He was going to find out from my family at the end of the week anyway.

But how does one go about telling their friend that they've only been pretending to be married for the last two weeks, wearing a fake ring and all?

I didn't know. And before I could think of a way to say it, we had arrived at the studio.

"Let me know when you want to get together on Wednesday," Drew said before climbing into his truck. "My schedule is pretty open after three.

"Okay. I'll text you."

Drew endedup being called in for business meetings all day Wednesday and had to reschedule our pitching hangout for another day. So I’d dug into my scripts myself and tried to make sense of them all.

It was amazing how many times I could go through something, and then still find ways to change it and make it better. I figured the only time one of my screenplays would seem fully finished would be when it was actually on the big screen.

On Sunday evening, Drew picked me up from my apartment, which was only a few blocks from his home, so we could head to my parents’ house together.

"Are you ready for this next week?" I asked as I climbed in his Lamborghini. I'd never been in such an expensive car. It was so nice.

"I'm excited to get a break from interviews, pickups, or party crashing. I can actually focus on my business," Drew said. "Do you have a lot of work at the studio?"

"Alexis wanted me to help her with a few things, so it should be a full week for me."

"I still feel bad about ditching you on your pitch session. Did you get much done?"

"A little. But I definitely need to have someone go over it before I dare approach Alexis or any other producer with it."

"Well, let's schedule something after lunch," Drew said, parking at the curb in front of my parents’ house.

As soon as we stepped through the door Tayden tackled me.

“Kate! Kate!” he said, hugging my knees. Then he pulled back and looked up at Drew with furrowed eyebrows. "Are you Kate's new boyfriend?"

"Oh, no. This is Drew." My stomach dropped and my face burned. "He was Uncle Aiden's best friend," I hurried to say. I didn't dare glance at Drew to see his reaction. Yeah, he was totally going to find out I'd been lying about Nolan this whole time.

"Well, then when is you going to get a new boyfriend? Mommy says you spend the night at Gramma's because you is lonely."

My face burned even hotter. I wanted to clamp a hand over Tayden's mouth and run out the door with him before he could say even more.

I lifted my eyes to Drew's and saw a very confused expression stuck to his face. But before I could explain, my mom poked her head around the corner.

"Oh, good, you're here,” Mom said. “Could you give us a hand, Kate?"

Thank you!I sighed my relief.
