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Drew was a star.Every single woman at this party was absolutely in love with him, I mused as I watched a twenty-something woman slip her phone number into Drew’s shirt pocket as she talked to him. It was hilarious to watch even the married women go gaga over him. I had thought I was a big fan of the show, but I had no idea what a super-fan was actually like.

"If it doesn't work out between you and your fiancée…" The brunette patted his chest where she hid her number and winked. "Don't hesitate to call me."

Drew smiled at the girl and thanked her but didn't really give away as to whether he would ever take her up on that offer or not. It was no surprise that Drew, the boy I'd watched grow into a man over the last seventeen years, was every woman's dream come true.

"How many numbers did you get?" I asked once we were outside and walking back to the company car.

I was determined to keep the conversation after the party much lighter than it had been on the way there. I didn't know if I could handle any more revelations.

Not only had Drew admitted wanting to kiss me back when I was still in high school, but he'd also said that Aiden knew and was giving him a hard time because of it.

But if that was true, and he’d actually wanted to kiss me, why had he deserted me after we finally kissed? If he had really liked me, wouldn't that be worth sticking around for during the dark moments after Aiden's accident?

"I didn't keep track of all the numbers." Drew shook his head, as if he still couldn’t believe this was his life now.

I forced a smile, pushing away the thoughts of the past. "You should probably watch out for Darla. I totally don't think she was trying to date youfor the right reasons." I emphasized the last four words, which were practically the show’s trademark.

Everyone was always talking about whether a certain contestant was really there to find love. Many of the girls were there for that reason, or at least they were open to the idea of finding it with the star. But then there were those who were clearly there to either promote themselves and their business, or to attempt to become famous.

"Thanks for the warning." Drew unlocked the car and opened the passenger door for me. My chest warmed at the gentlemanly gesture. No guy had done that for me in years.

Drew climbed in on his side a moment later and buckled in. "Have you had a chance to talk to Alexis about your screenplays?"

"Not yet.” I sighed. “Don't you think I should wait until she knows me better?"

"Why wait? If she's interested, it's because of your writing, not because of how well she knows you. You might as well just take that jump."

"I just feel so awkward doing it. I'm totally no good at selling my own stuff." If I had to sell someone else's material, I could. But there was something so personal about my own screenplays that I was never able to give them the spotlight they deserved.

"Well, which one would you be shopping?"

I thought it over for a second but didn't know which one would suit Alexis's taste.

"What kind of stuff does Alexis even like?"

Drew pulled onto the road to drive us back to Burbank. "Pretty much anything with romance, as you may have guessed, considering that she created this show. She also loves mystery and a little suspense. Do you have anything like that?"

I went through the list of screenplays I'd written that might be ready. There were only two…so it didn't take very long.The Visitordid have a healthy dose of mystery along with a love story. Maybe Alexis could read it.

"I might have one she could be interested in," I said.

"Well, then let's go talk to her about it tonight."

"Tonight?" My voice rose an octave. "I-I'm not ready tonight. I have to think of a good pitch. I need to make sure it's all formatted right. I'm not ready."

Drew chuckled. "I was kidding. She's not in this late. Sure, she's a workaholic, but she does go home to sleep now and again."

I pushed out the breath I'd been holding. "Give me a heart attack, why don't ya?"

"So you said you needed to work on your pitch. Is that something you need help with? I'd be happy to work on it with you, if you want."

"Actually, that would be great.” I smiled. “As long as you promise not to make fun of it. Despite your time on the show, I seem to remember you not loving chick flicks."

"Hey, give me some credit. I have matured a little over the past few years. I mean, how else do you think I learned all those smooth moves to wind up as the bachelor?"

"You studied chick flicks for that?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Saint Drew had turned into a ladies’ man?

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