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I nodded, only just realizing Alexis hadn't called me in to talk about my screenplay after all.

"I grabbed a few hidden cameras out of the equipment area." She gestured to the different objects on the table: a Dodgers baseball cap, a smoke detector, and a plant.

"Those are cameras? They look like regular things you'd find in a house."

"That’s the idea. The cameras are hidden in them." She picked up the plant and separated a few of the leaves to show the tiny camera lens secured inside. "Anyway, what I need you to do is to go over to the house today and put these in places where you think we’ll be able to get the most footage that we need…don't go into the bedroom. I refuse to be that show and invade their privacy to that degree." She pulled a Ziploc bag with a few tiny electronic-type things out of her purse. "These are the bugs. Put one on the couch, another under the table, and the other wherever it looks like it would catch the most action."

I took the bag from Alexis, a nervous ball clenching in my stomach.

"Do you want me to do that now? Or would you like me to grab your lunch first?"

She waved her hand. "I'll just grab myself a salad today. Don't worry about me. In fact, just head over there now. Call me before you leave the house, so I can check everything, and then you can take the rest of the day and tomorrow off since you'll need to work this weekend."

I gathered the rest of the things from Alexis's desk, putting them in the fabric shopping bag on the floor. "I'll get this done right away." Who knew detective work was in my job description?

I stood and said goodbye to Alexis. Before I was out the door, however, Alexis spoke.

"Oh, and I got your email. I downloaded it to my phone and I’m excited to go over it on Friday."

I turned back, suddenly flustered. “I-I hope you enjoy it."

"Me too. It sounds like it’s right up my alley."

I guardedthe bag Alexis had given me the whole way out of the studio, worried someone would see what was inside and figure out what I was up to.

I climbed into my car, setting the bag very carefully on the floor of the passenger side, and then called Drew.

"What's up?" Drew's voice came through my earpiece.

"I'm heading over to the safe house to hide all the hidden cameras and bugs. Can you tell me where a good place would be to put a baseball cap?"

Drew chuckled. "How about I just tag along and help you out?"

"You don't have to work today?"

"Nope. Taking those months off to film the show helped me learn to delegate a lot better. My schedule is free this afternoon."

"That would be awesome.” I sighed with relief. “I'm way out of my element here."

"You mean you don't usually break into people's houses and place strange objects around it to spy on them? I thought you were a part of the CIA."

"Remember how you already debunked that claim? Clearly this is my first time. Are you home?"

"Yeah, wanna pick me up on your way?"

"See you in fifteen minutes."

I grabbed my sandwich from my messenger bag and ate it on my way to Drew's, my navigation app angry at each wrong turn since I was deviating from the route to the new safe house. When I arrived, I punched in the code to his gate and drove in. He must have been watching from the window, because as soon as I pulled up, he came jogging out wearing a hoodie and sunglasses.

"Here, put these on." Drew handed me a pair of sunglasses and placed a baseball cap on my head.

"Is that really necessary?" I asked.

“Sadly, yes. The paparazzi somehow found out where I live, and they've been camping at my house all day. It's ridiculous."

And sure enough, when I drove back out the gaze there was a middle-aged guy with curly gray hair and a beard hiding behind a bush in front of the house next door.

"Hurry, before he snaps a pic." Drew hunched over, as if trying to fold himself in half.
