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Alexis shook her head. "I'd make a heavy wager that this is exactly what she would want."

But I didn't want to do this. I wanted to do just what the gossip magazines were saying. I wanted to date Kate. And I was so tired of everything else getting in the way of my desire.

But I also didn't want Kate to be dragged through the mud any more than she had already. She'd been through more than enough this past year. I didn't need to be responsible for any more hurt to come into her life.

"So, will you do it? Will you find a way to make things better and keep my show from tanking?" Alexis asked, staring at me above the rim of her glasses.

I blew out a long breath. "I'll do it."

Alexis leftme alone in her office, so I could call Gwen.

The phone rang twice before Gwen's frustrated voice came through the line. "So you left me yesterday to sneak off with your mistress? What a great way to live up to your nickname, Saint Drew," she scoffed.

I breathed out my nose slowly, trying to remain calm, before deciding I might as well kick this thing in the butt. "Actually, we figured we'd give you some extra time alone with Dion."

There was a sharp intake of breath, and then a pause as Gwen tried to think of something to say.

But I was done playing games. "I know you and Dion are secretly dating. I came back to the safe house a week ago and heard you guys in the bedroom."

More silence.

You have the right to remain silent; anything you say can and will be used against you.

Though her silence spoke louder than any words would.

Finally, she said, "I knew something was up when you suddenly wanted to spend the weekend together again, yet you didn't even want to look at me at all. That's why I told Dion to check the studio after you left."

She hadn't necessarily admitted anything, but she definitely knew they'd been set up. I supposed I didn't have to feel too bad about telling Gwen I knew about her and Dion. But Alexis probably wouldn't take that as much of a consolation since my bad acting skills had ruined yet another plan of hers.

"So how long have you and Kate been planning this? Was it before we met or after?"

My eyebrows knit together.

She actually believed the tabloids?

"The tabloids are full of crap. Kate and I weren't secretly datingin those photos." ‘In those photos’ being the operative words. What we'd done last night had seemed a lot like we were dating. "The only one who cheated here is you."

"Okay. So you say there's nothing going on between you and Kate, but it's obvious that you want there to be."

I wasn't about to respond to that. Gwen wasn't saying anything about Dion and her. I wouldn't say anything about my hopes in regard to Kate, either.

"Anyway," Gwen continued. "I'm guessing you've already talked to Kate."

"Yes." Well, Alexis did it for me.

"And I'm guessing she's not happy about the magazines."


"So, what if we just pretended to be happily dating—" She gasped as if something spectacular had just dawned on her. "Or, we could even pretend to be engaged." Her voice grew more and more excited, her words spilling out. "Yeah, celebrity couples do it all the time. We could ask Alexis if we could get engaged on the after-show, and then pretend to date for a while. It would be awesome for the ratings, and then we could do a ton of paid interviews or meet and greets and get all kinds of promotional opportunities. This could be a really good way to make a lot of money."

"But unlike you, I was actually in this for love, not money."

"Whatever." She seemed to think for a moment. "I bet Alexis would be a lot happier to take on Kate's screenplay if you give her the ending she's wanted all along."

"How did you know about Kate's screenplay?"

"Dion told me."
