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I sighed and thought about it. Getting her screenplay on the big screen had been Kate's goal all along when she'd taken the job. Maybe a fake engagement would be a good idea, especially when both of us knew it was merely a business transaction. It would probably be the thing to keep Alexis most happy. And if Alexis was happy, she'd take a more honest look at Kate's screenplay and be more likely to accept it. Or at least pass it along to someone who would.

The thought of lying to everyone made me feel icky. But I also didn't want to dash Kate's chance at finally accomplishing her dreams. That's what had started us on this whole process. And that's what would keep me going even when things weren't exactly the way I wanted.

"So, what do you think?" Gwen sounded way happier now than she had at the beginning of our conversation. Could I stand to be around her for a bunch of paid appearances if it helped make Kate and Alexis happy?

"It’s something to think about," I admitted.

"It's a great idea. I'm actually surprised we didn't come up with it sooner."

"Well, until a few minutes ago, you did think your affair was a secret."


I rolled my eyes. But whatever. I was over it. I was over her. Maybe it would be manageable to try a fake engagement for a little while. There would be a lot of positives for a lot of people. Kate would still have her job. Alexis would get the ending she'd wanted all along. Gwen would get the fame she'd pined for from the beginning, and she'd still get her sleaze-bag boyfriend Dion. The viewers would be happy to see an engagement at the end of the season, even if they didn't think Gwen was the one for me. And as for me? Well, I would be fine. I didn't want to give Alexis a reason to turn down Kate's screenplay. And when everything was over in a couple of months, after we'd made enough appearances and slowly showed the public signs of trouble in love-land, I'd find a way to end the charade and then finally be out of the limelight.

There was just one little nagging voice in the back of my head that whispered about how it would all be a big lie, and that my integrity would be on the line. But it was just a small voice. I was sure I could ignore it for a few months.

I foundAlexis in the conference room after nailing down a few more particulars with Gwen.

Alexis was bent over her laptop at the large Cherrywood table. I leaned against the door frame. "It's all set up. I talked to Gwen, and she's more than on board about continuing ourrelationship. She even suggested a fake engagement. She thought it would be the perfect idea for us to get engaged on the after-show."

Alexis's head popped up. "She did?"

I rolled my keychain around my finger. "She was pretty easy to work with once I mentioned Dion."

"You told her?" Frustration flashed in Alexis's eyes. "I was thinking about trying to set another trap for them."

I waved my hand. "She already knew something was up. That's why they left so early yesterday."

Alexis leaned back in her gray chair. "Okay. So you're going to fulfill your contract with a proposal then?"

I still wasn't sure I wanted to do this, but I nodded and said, "I want you to know that the only reason I'm okay with doing any of this is because of Kate. I don't want to give you a reason to fire her or not take an honest look at her screenplay. I'll give you the finale you've been dreaming of. I'll help make the ratings the best they've ever been. Just promise me you'll help me make sure Kate is happy when all this is over with."

"Spoken like a true businessman."

"Does that mean you'll keep an open mind?"

She nodded. "I'll do you one even better. I'll see what I can do about getting the gossip magazines to forget all about Kate and her divorce. I'll smooth things over for her."

I smiled the first smile I'd had all morning. "Thank you, Alexis. I appreciate that."

"It's the least I can do for you sacrificing even more of your time to give me that proposal." Her eyes lit up. “In fact…what if we went back to the Caribbean and re-shot the whole engagement, pretending that it went that way from the start?"

I frowned. "How are we supposed to do that? We filmed that months ago."

"We still have the set pieces from that day in Antigua. We can arrange to get Gwen's dress back from the designer. I'm sure Siegfried will be more than happy to loan it out again for the show. It's great advertising, after all."

Alexis spouted one idea after another, her countenance brightening with each one, clearly excited at the prospect of having the dream proposal finale she'd been hoping for.

"If we get everything lined up, we could be in Antigua as early as next week." Alexis's eyes were bright behind her glasses.

"Next week?"

"You don't have any big plans for next week, do you?"

I'd cleared most of my schedule last night after Kate left, with hopes of leaving all of this behind.

"My schedule is clear." But could I really do this? It was suddenly becoming more and more real. I would be getting engaged in one week—albeit a fake engagement—but still. I rolled my shoulders back, rocked my neck from side to side to relieve the tension.
