Page 15 of The Ranger's Baby

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“Ok, then want to tell me what happened back there?”

Damn Eagle for knowing Sunny would never have spilled this to him, but he couldn’t lie to Sadie. She was just too sweet.

“Laura and I have met before.”

“I gathered that.”

“It was just one weekend. I didn’t know who she was. I didn’t even know her last name until this morning.”

“Ok, so I take it that means the two of you slept together.”

Sunny nodded, unable to meet Sadie’s eyes. Would she condemn him for that?

“Is that all there was to it?”

“Yeah, it was just a weekend.”

“Then you won’t have any trouble working with her as your manager and taking orders from her.”

Sunny swallowed. Would he? Probably. He wanted to be the one giving orders, but he wasn’t stupid enough to say that out loud. He knew outside the bedroom, and even in it, women were just as capable as a man of taking charge. It just wasn’t what he was used to, even after having commanding officers who were women over the years.

“No, I won’t,” he said, probably after too long of a pause, but whatever..

When Sadie didn’t respond to that, he looked up and found her studying him.

“Did you always want to be a Ranger, Sunny?”

Sadie’s face held no judgement, only curiosity. That was the only rationale Rafe could give for what came out of his mouth next.


Sadie gave a tiny nod. “What did you want to do?”

“I wanted to be a doctor.”

She didn’t look surprised or laugh, simply tilted her head to one side and smiled.

“So you’re a smarty pants?”

Sunny shrugged. It had been years now since he’d cracked open a book.

“And what do you want to do now?” she asked.

That brought Sunny up short. What did she mean?

“Nothing, I have a job.”

“A job, yes. And a home. Those things won’t change. I was just curious. Would you still want to be a doctor if you could?”

Sunny shook his head back and forth slowly.

“What would you do?”

Sunny bit the inside of his cheek to keep from opening his mouth and letting more of his nonsense spill out. Sadie was good, but he wasn’t going to give her all his secrets.

“I don’t want to do anything else.”

Sadie’s smile was full of understanding. “Ok, if you change your mind, that would be fine, too.”

And with that, she turned and walked back up the aisle of the barn. Sunny watched her go, his mind racing. As fast as they’d come up, though, he pushed the thoughts down. He was too old to change things now. He had a home and the closest thing to a family he was likely to get—there was no point in rocking the boat.
