Page 17 of The Ranger's Baby

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“Welcome to Ranger Valley, Laura. We’re really glad you’re here.”

And with that parting remark, he left. Laura listened to the rumble of the UTV and then sagged against the doorframe.

“Sounds like this place is in some trouble,” Harper said behind her.

Laura glanced over her shoulder. “Yeah, it explains why they hired me, though. I’ve got no experience in the position, so they didn’t have to offer me much for pay.”

Harper frowned. “That doesn’t sound fair.”

She shrugged. “It’s not, but it’s the way things are.” Laura yawned. The day had barely begun, but she already wanted to take a nap. Maybe after she put her things away.

“I already unpacked, so I’m going to take the car into town and get some simple things for dinners. I don’t know how much I’ll be watching the kid—”

“You don’t have to do that. You have a choice—”

Harper waved a hand in her direction. “It’s fine. I’m good at it, plus it doesn’t sound like it’ll be a constant thing. We can use the money and the rug rat is pretty cute.”

Laura regarded her for a moment, then nodded. “I just don’t want you to think you have to.”

Harper came up and hugged her hard. “I know, and it’s just another reason I love you.”

After that, they both unpacked their small suitcases and Harper left. Was it sad that both of them could fit their entire lives in four bags? Maybe, but it was out of necessity. They’d lived in small places with almost no money. If they were lucky, this time things might be better, but who knew how long it would last? Especially since she’d already slept with one of her employees. Should she tell Eli about that? Maybe, but not today. She was already exhausted, and she’d barely done anything.

It would be several hours before Harper returned, so Laura lay down to rest for a bit. She closed her eyes, relaxing into the soft mattress. It was the nicest bed she’d slept on since… well, probably ever. The cots at the church had been small and uncomfortable, but clean. Since then, she and Harper had slept on everything from flea infested mattresses to floors with thin blankets.

As she drifted off, the last thing on her mind was the one thing she really needed to let go. Rafe’s face loomed up in front of her and she longed to reach out to him. She couldn’t, though. Damaged as she was, a relationship and all that came with it wasn’t in the cards for her. She was better off alone.

That didn’t mean she couldn’t dream about him though, now did it?

* * *

Like all dayson the ranch, this one had been long and filled with back-breaking work. Usually Sunny didn’t mind because if his body was tired enough, he could actually sleep. It had been the same in the army.

But today, he had more on his mind than usual as he stepped into the bunkhouse shower. The hot water pounded down on his shoulders, and he sighed with relief. He definitely owed Cap for replacing the water heater and the pump, especially since he didn’t even live here anymore.

Sunny grimaced. He was on guard duty at Cap and Hilary’s house tomorrow night. Not that he minded helping them out, especially since it meant a day of no chores around the ranch, so he could rest up to stay awake all night. Sunny wished they could find the man who was still out there looking for Hilary, but he’d basically disappeared again, leaving them all in limbo.

Hilary insisted they were fine, and no guards were necessary. Cap and the rest of them disagreed, so at least one extra man was on hand every night besides Cap, who obviously slept beside the woman he loved every night.

Unbidden, Laura’s face came to him. He groaned, because with it came the flood of memories from the last time he’d seen her. She’d been so deliciously sweet and eager to learn all weekend, even demanding he instruct her in how to give a blow job.

Sunny held her close after another long make-out session ending in him using his fingers to bring her to completion leaving his cock hard and aching. When her breathing evened out, he inched away to go to the bathroom and deal with it, but she reached out for him.

“Where are you going?”

“I need to take care of this,” he said, gesturing vaguely at the tent in his briefs.

Laura stared at him for a handful of heartbeats before lifting her eyes to his.

“Can I do it?”

He jerked. “Do what?”

She looked unsure but continued. “Help you. I don’t know how, but I can learn, right?”

Her golden-brown eyes gazing up at him earnestly destroyed any resolve he had to make all of this about her.

“Sure, Freckles, but just know you can stop at any time. Do you want to use your hand, or you mouth?”
