Page 30 of The Ranger's Baby

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Laura was no stranger to nightmares, but this one was different from the many others she’d had. This one had fire in it. She couldn’t move and it felt like flames were licking across her body. Was she being burned at the stake? Memories of the previous night and her weekend with Rafe flitted through her mind. Was this her punishment?

She was pretty sure it was worth it.

The bindings holding her tightened and rumbled. Laura thrashed against them trying to escape the heat and pain.

“Laura,” a harsh voice said close by. She whimpered because even the sound hurt her skin.

Wait, that didn’t make sense.

Her bindings loosened, but the heat didn’t let up. Then she was shaking. No. Something…someone was shaking her and calling her name.

“Laura, Freckles…come on wake up. You’re burning up.”

She knew that voice. Cracking her eyes open, she tried to answer him. “Rafe,” she said or at least she attempted to. When that didn’t work she whimpered at the pain in her throat.

“Shit,” she heard him mumble.

The bed she was on shifted and then she heard him talking, but not to her anymore.

“I need you to bring one of the trucks over to the bunkhouse. Laura is burning up. She needs a doctor.”

A doctor? Why did she need a doctor? She’d been sicker than this before and not seen anyone. The church believed prayer was the best medicine. She opened her mouth to tell him she didn’t need a doctor, but a spike of pain in her throat made that impossible.

She must have drifted off, because the next thing she knew she was being buckled into a seat and they were driving slowly up the rutted driveway. Every bump was hell, her body aching.

“Shh, I know. I’m sorry, but we’ve got to get you to a doctor.”

Laura didn’t have it in her to argue, so she just concentrated on not crying out in pain. When the truck finally stopped, Rafe lifted her out of the truck.

“Put me down,” she mumbled, wincing at the pain in her throat.

His chest rumbled. “Not happening, Freckles. I’m not even convinced you could stand up right now.”

The cold fall wind was replaced with a stuffy warmth and harsh lighting.

“Patient name?” she heard a cool female voice ask.

“Laura Collins,” he said.

“Date of birth?”

When he didn’t answer, she spoke up giving it to the woman, but it cost her.

“Any allergies, ma’am?”

“No,” she whispered.

“Alright. Have a seat please. Someone will be right with you.”

She knew Rafe was trying to be gentle, but even the slight jostle of being set down on a chair made her moan. Why did everything hurt so bad? Laura didn’t know how long they sat there, but eventually someone called her name.

“Laura Collins?”

She forced her eyes open and tried to stand, but her legs wobbled so badly that she sat back down hard.

“Hold on just a minute,” the same voice said.
