Page 40 of The Ranger's Baby

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The small vehicle moved again, and then Laura was by his side. Sunny tried to force his eyes open, but it didn’t work. She put one of her shoulders under his and pulled him out of the seat with little trouble.

When a smaller body supported him from the other side, he opened one eye and found Sadie there.

“You shouldn’t be—”

“I’m pregnant, not disabled,” she snapped, and he smiled at her ferocity. He’d admired the woman since he met her, if for no other reason than she gave Eagle as good as she got, but the more he got to know her, the more he liked her.

“Thank you,” he mumbled as they worked together to help him into the truck.

“You better hurry. He’s starting to slur his words,” he heard Sadie say.

Was he?
