Page 37 of Cowboys & Horses

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Two days into my seven-day prison sentence, I’d done nothing but sleep, watch TV, and cuddle Brady. Even though I wasn’t going to admit it, the doctor was right, and I needed my rest.

Brady was just utterly amazing. He’d settled me in bed before going home to fetch his clothes and wash bag. Since stepping back through the door, the only time he’d left me was to fetch us food.

That first night was one I’ll never forget. The sizzling image of him topless, in just a pair of black lounge pants, would be forever scorched into my memory. Smooth, golden skin stretched over defined muscles, trousers hanging low on his hips with that delicious V of his loins disappearing below. He’d stepped out of the bathroom drying his head with a towel, his ruffled, sleek hair just begging to have fingers run through it. Despite my exhaustion, I couldn’t help the red-blooded woman within me wanting to cross the boundaries of our...whatever this could be described as.

In my own slob clothes of a baggyFriendst-shirt and a pair of burgundy shorts, I’d snuggled up against him, my head resting on his sculpted chest and an arm draped across his taut abs. One of his arms was around me, softly pressed against my back, keeping me close to him.

The way this all felt so natural...soright, absolutely astounded me—it was like we’d known each other for years. We’d shared kisses, some very deep, passionate kisses, but nothing had gone beyond that. Not only was I shattered, but I was a nervous wreck. I’d had no experience outside of Ben, and Brady, well, you just had to look at him to know he’d worked his way through a football field of women. How on earth was I supposed to measure up against them?

After two days and nights of being so close and exposed to him, every part of me was wide awake, almost burning with the need to push things further. The chats we’d had about films or TV shows had always ended with a lingering silence, both of us staring at one another before glancing away and breaking the moment.

Tonight though, I could tell things would take a turn. The atmosphere between us was almost electrified, every particle around us charged with energy. We were laid on my bed, watching the end ofDie Hard. Bruce Willis in that dirty white vest would never get old for me.

“How are you feeling?” he asked, skimming his fingers across my back.

I shivered from his light touch. “Good. You?”

“Perfect.” He pressed his lips to the top of my head. “Think you can manage to venture outside for an hour or two?”

I sat bolt upright like a child who’d been promised sweets. “Definitely.”

Rising from the bed, he cupped my face between both hands and gave me a heart melting kiss. “I’ll be back shortly. Make sure you’re ready.”

“Ready for what?”

“You’ll have to wait and see.”

With a parting kiss, he threw his t-shirt on and padded out to his truck. As the sudden turn of events began to register, I couldn’t help but feel an anxious curiosity beginning to surface. Just what was he up to?


JUST AFTER NINE, BRADYreappeared. He’d gotten changed into a smart, light blue shirt and faded denim jeans. The curve of his jeans hugging all the right areas made me want to investigate. Now.

He held his hand out to me. “Come here,” he said, a sly smile pulling at his lips.

I bit my lip as I ventured towards him. I’d dressed in a simple pair of jeans and t-shirt but looking at him, already felt underdressed. “Do I need to wear something else?”

“You’re perfect as you are.”

He stepped towards me and took my hand, leading me outside. The ranch had descended into night time quiet, only the lights from guest rooms and the main house telling of anyone’s existence. I glanced up into the night sky, surprised by how beautiful the evening sky was tonight. The clear jet-black background with the twinkling bright white stars was just breath taking.

Stepping behind me, he whispered into my ear, “Do you trust me?”

Goosebumps chased over my skin. His warm breath floating over my neck had me liquefying into a pool of nothing. How could one man affect me so much?

“Trust you? Why?”

He slipped his hands around my waist, making me jump. “I can’t say. It’ll spoil the surprise.” He brushed a feather light kiss over the base of my neck. “So, do you trust me?”

Using my last ounce of willpower to suppress the groan from his single kiss, I pondered over his question. Trust. Hardly something I’d been giving out in abundance lately. Ben had had my trust and broken it into thousands of pieces. Would it ever repair? Brady was an incredible man who I’d barely known for more than ten days, and he was asking me to trust him. I had no reason not to, but I also had no reason to either. I feared where it concerned trust, it would be a difficult thing for me to wholly give again.

However, I was on holiday, and here to enjoy myself. Sometimes a little risk was worth it, right?

“Yes,” I whispered. “I trust you.”

He kissed my ear and told me to close my eyes. My heart began pounding against my ribcage. Adrenaline pulsed through me, making me edgy. Before I could think anything else, a soft, velvet fabric laid across my eyes.
