Page 36 of Cowboys & Horses

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My heart rate increased ten-fold. A thousand thoughts danced through my mind.

“How would you feel about staying with me during your week of rest?”

I was flabbergasted. Had I been hoping for something along those lines? Well, yes, but to actually have the words said was something else entirely. We’d known each other a week. Seven days. The exact amount of time he was suggesting I stay with him for.

“Um, I’m not sure. I mean thank you and all but...”

“But what?”

“We barely know each other. Do you make a habit of inviting strangers to stay in your house?”

He laughed. “Only female ones.” Giving me a cheeky wink, he turned off the main road and onto the dust track. “It was just an idea, that’s all. Spending a week on your own in that chalet will drive you mad. Unless that’s what you want of course? Time and space on your own?”

I thought things over for a couple of minutes. “It would be nice to have some company, but it would just feel odd being in your house. I’m sorry, it just wouldn’t feel right.”

“That’s ok, I understand. What if I stayed in your chalet with you?”

A cold, excited sweat broke out all over my body. There was one bed. One. Was this his way of guaranteeing something?

As if reading my mind, he said, “I’m not trying to force things along if that’s what you’re thinking. Think of it as my own personal insurance to make sure you don’t go chasing after that cow again.”

I giggled and nodded. “Ok, that would be better, thank you.”

As we neared my picturesque home, it suddenly struck me that Brady was using his vacation time to sit within four walls, with me, whilst technically still at work. Who would use their hard-earned holiday hours to go to their workplace and sit inside a room for a week with a stranger?

Actions always have consequences.

What would be the consequence of this?

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