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“How was your flight?” he asks.

“Fine. How was yours?”

His mouth edges up. “Good, thanks. What would you like to drink?”

As if on cue, the waiter appears. “Another Jack on the rocks?” he asks Nick.

“Sure,” Nick says.

“And, for you, miss?”

“Um…” I grab the menu and open it. I don’t normally drink so that’s a good question. My brow furrows as I scan down the unfamiliar, fancy alcoholic beverages. I literally have no idea what I might like. Finally, I look up. “Can I just get some water?” I ask in a small voice. Yeah, I feel like the country cousin, straight off the plane from Hicksville.

The waiter nods “Sparkling or flat?”

“What?” For a second, I’m not sure what he’s asking, but then I realize. “Flat,” I say quickly and glance at Nick who’s looking at me with a completely blank expression. God, he probably thinks I’m the most unsophisticated person he’s ever met.

After the waiter walks away, Nick leans his forearms against the table and laces his fingers. “So, Savannah, what made you decide to become a model?”

“Well, I was always told I have the body for it,” I say and instantly regret my choice of words when his gaze drops. “I mean because I’m skinny. Or, I used to be. I guess I’ve filled out since then.” I give my head a shake realizing this meeting is not turning out the way I had hoped. I can’t help it. Nick is too gorgeous and it’s making me nervous as hell. And, all I wanted to do was impress him.

I look down and start picking at my nail polish. I wish I could crawl under the table.

“Any other reason?”

He sounds bored. “Um, well, the money is good.”

The waiter returns and sets our drinks in front of us.

“Inspiring,” he says and lifts the whiskey up to his lips.

His comment irks me and, after I sip my water, I meet his challenging gray gaze head-on. “It’s not my dream,” I clarify. “I’m modeling because-”

“Because it comes easy to you?”

My eyes narrow. What’s he inferring? That I have no talent and I’m just some dumb blonde with an empty head? “No. Because it’s a quicker path to what I really want to do with my life.”

He lifts his glass and swirls the amber liquid around. “And, what’s that?” he asks, sounding completely uninterested.

Suddenly, Nick Knight isn’t as attractive as I thought earlier. I don’t care for his nonchalant, arrogant attitude. Just because I’m younger than him doesn’t mean I’m some insipid little girl. “I’m going to be a veterinarian,” I announce proudly.

“Because you love animals so much?”

“That’s right.”

He raises that annoying brow again and I get the urge to flick it with my finger. “But, you wear leather shoes.”

“What?” His comment catches me completely off-guard.

“Your sandals. They’re leather, right?”

What a jerk,I think. But, he had me. For a moment, I don’t say anything. But, that doesn’t stop him from digging the knife a little deeper.

“I just figured a big animal lover would be a vegan. Or, at least, someone who avoids wearing animal carcasses.” He smirks and takes another sip of his drink.

Is he trying to get under my skin?I wonder. What did I do to make him be so incredibly rude? I’m so annoyed, I can’t even think of a comeback. Instead, I flip my menu open and focus on the different choices. Underneath the table, my knee is bouncing and all that nervousness from earlier morphs into aggravation.

And, dislike.
