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After I land at the airport, I catch a taxi at the curb. “The Cosmopolitan, please,” I tell the driver.

I can’t believe I’m here. It’s only about two miles to the hotel and the moment we hit Las Vegas Boulevard, my eyes go wide. “Oh, wow,” I whisper and press my nose to the window. I have never seen anything quite like it.

“First time in Vegas?” the driver asks with a knowing smile.

“Yes,” I say, unable to look away from the towering hotels and endless tourists walking down The Strip. There really are no words to describe the vibrancy and life pulsating through the city. When we pull up to the hotel, I slide out and wait as the driver lugs my suitcase out of the trunk.

“Don’t get into too much trouble,” he says with a wink.

“Oh, I won’t. I’m here for work.” I smile and thank him then start toward the front doors. There are probably 100 people checking in and plenty of counters to do it. I walk up and it doesn’t take long to get my key and head toward the elevator.

Thirty floors up, I step off, find my room and unlock the door.

“Holy crap,” I say and wheel my suitcase inside. It’s freaking amazing with a huge bed, enormous bathroom and a giant TV up on the wall. My eyes are practically popping out of my head as I slide the balcony door open and step out. I lean over the rail and look down at a huge pool with fountains soaring straight up into the air. Lights blink and it’s like the water moves with the music.

“So cool,” I whisper.

I’ve never seen anything like Las Vegas, I think, and look out over the stunning view. I didn’t really have any expectations coming here, but I’m kind of blown away. Earlier, I spoke with my agent and she said I’m supposed to meet Nick Knight at some place called Beauty & Essex at 6pm.

It’s already after 5pm, I realize, and head over to my suitcase. I want to freshen up and look good, not like I just stepped off an airplane. I fix my makeup, curl my hair and change into one of the cute outfits that Jazz put together for me.

Thank God for Jazz,I think. I didn’t even think about dressing up or having a meeting tonight. I can’t even imagine meeting my photographer at some fancy restaurant in leggings and that plaid shirt I almost brought.

Good Lord, I would’ve looked like a complete country bumpkin, straight off the farm.

Instead, I slip on a cute swing dress and sandals. The hotel is a little chilly so I grab my little sweater, purse and phone.

And, I’m off.

I’m feeling a little overwhelmed when I walk into Beauty & Essex. There are crystals hanging from the ceiling and large velvet settees everywhere. I feel completely out of my element. It’s still early and not very crowded. But, even if the place was packed, I couldn’t miss the handsome man sitting at the bar.

Nick Knight.

My stomach gives a little flutter and I bite the inside of my lip.You can do this.I push my shoulders back and head over to where he waits. He’s taking a sip of his drink when I move up beside him. “Nick?” I ask.

Silvery-gray eyes flick my way and he swallows the whiskey down hard. When he starts to choke, my eyes go wide. “Are you okay?” I ask.

He nods and clears his throat. “Fine,” he manages and sets the glass on the bar. “You must be-”

“Savannah,” I say and extend my hand. He reaches out and grips my hand, looking at me with this strange, almost bemused, expression on his face. God, he’s just too good-looking and that makes me nervous. And, when I’m nervous, I talk.

A lot.

“It’s so nice to meet you,” I gush and continue to shake his hand. “I’m really looking forward to working together. I’ve heard so many things about you and I have a feeling we’re going to have a really great time this weekend.”

When his dark brows shoot straight up, I realize that may have come out wrong. Oh, God, the last thing I want is for him to think I’m being unprofessional. I’m talking too much and this is turning awkward, but I can’t seem to stop my mouth. “On the shoot, I mean. I’ve never booked a campaign this big, but don’t worry because I plan to work very hard. I think it’s going to be a great experience for both of us and I look forward to getting to know you better and working with you and-”

“Savannah,” he says, interrupting me. He looks down and I realize that I’m still pumping his hand like an idiot. I let go and wipe my palms on my dress. “Relax.”

I nod, but suddenly, I wish I could walk back out the door and re-do this entire introduction.

“Our table is ready,” he says in a low voice and stands up.

I’m tall at 5’11” and rarely meet guys who are my height or taller. But, Nick is a good five inches taller and I have to look up at his face. And, I really like that. As we follow a server over to a corner table, I sneak a peek at his chiseled profile. He’s even better looking in person and I’m not surprised he used to model. It would’ve been a shame if he hadn’t shared all this glorious hotness with the world.

Nick pulls the chair out for me and I sit down. Then, he moves around the table and sits, eyes glued to me. I’m not sure what it is, but something in his intense, dark silver gaze makes me flush. I grab the folded napkin and lay it over my lap, not sure what to say.
