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Savannah Hart is doing all those things to me and more. I’m literally having a hard time looking at anything else. Just find myself moving my gaze from her full lips up to her bright, aqua eyes and then sliding back down to those goddamn tempting lips again. She’s wearing some kind of shiny gloss on them and-

This isn’t good. Rules, Nick. Remember, your rules. Savannah Hart is the reason you have them in the first place.

I have always prided myself on my self-control. Especially when it comes to work. But, something about this girl is making me a little crazy. She gives off this artless, innocent vibe that heats my blood and is so completely different than the experienced women I’ve known.

It’s important to keep my distance so, right away, I have to be a little bit of a dick. I feel bad about the leather shoe comment, but I don’t want her to think we’re friends. And, I certainly don’t want her looking at me with those big, blue eyes like she did when she first walked up to me at the bar.

When I nearly choked to death, I think, remembering how she looked at me like she had a crush on me. She took me completely off-guard. I didn’t expect her to be so beautiful. And, I don’t just mean the physical. Her pictures may be flawless and amazing, but, in person, Savannah has this glow, an aura, that is so refreshing and it pulls you into her orbit. Like gravity.

And, I can’t have that.

Just keep her at arm’s length, Knight. Not that hard. It’s only two more days.

When our dinner arrives, the timing is perfect. I shouldn’t have made that last comment because it wasn’t about the damn beach at all. It was about this mesmerizing girl sitting across from me.

I decide I need to shut up for a while and just eat. As I dig into the expensive steak, I notice Savannah begin to pick at the tofu, not looking overly thrilled. Amused, I chew and watch to see what she’s going to do.

When she looks up and catches me watching her, she stabs a big piece and pops it into her defiant, little mouth. A second later, her blue eyes widen in surprise and she starts coughing. Hard. She lifts the napkin and, I’m guessing, spits the food into it.

Tears fill those pretty eyes of hers as she grabs her water and takes a few gulps.

“Something wrong?” I ask even though I know the Japanese horseradish just burned the shit out of her mouth.

“It’s so hot,” she gasps.

“That would be the wasabi,” I say in a dry voice. But, inside, I’m dying. Trying not to laugh.Poor thing.I’ll bet she doesn’t even know what wasabi is and had no clue when she ordered it.

“Oh,” she mumbles. “I guess I missed that.”

“I’d share my steak, but you being a vegan and all…”

“Right,” she says and eyeballs my plate. “I wouldn’t touch that animal carcass with a ten-foot pole.”

Yeah, sure.“Why don’t you order something else?” I suggest.

A frown creases her brow. “But, that would be wasting food.”


“And, I was taught you eat whatever you order. There are people starving in this world, you know,” she adds in a prim voice.

When the waiter returns and asks how our meals are, I take pity on her. I don’t know why. Maybe because I get the feeling she’s hungry. Probably because she’s watching me eat like she is one of those starving people in the world. “Actually, I’d like to order a side dish. Can you bring us some roasted cauliflower?” When she sits up straighter, I suppress a smile. “And, an order of the BBQ fries?”

Her eyes practically sparkle when I mention the fries.

“Of course.”

While we wait for the sides, I decide we should probably talk about the shoot, the whole reason we’re having this dinner together in the first place. “Have you ever been to the Neon Boneyard?” I ask.

“No. I’ve never even been to Vegas.”

I nod and take a sip of my whiskey. “It’s a pretty cool place. Great location for a fashion shoot.”

“It’s where all the big, old hotel signs are, right?”

“That’s right. We’ll have complete access to the place and I want it all to have a whimsical feel. You saw the clothes already?”

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