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The next morning, Savannah and I take a leisurely walk around the neighborhood with Paul. We grab coffees at the corner shop and enjoy the sunshine as we wander with no destination in mind, just enjoying each other’s company.

I toss my cup after I finish the caffeine and reach for Savannah’s hand. I love the feel of her slim fingers tangled in mine and we pause while Paul sniffs a tree.Mine.I look down and study Savannah. Her blonde hair glitters like gold in a ray of sunlight and when she glances up at me, her aqua eyes resemble two clear pools of water. And, all I want to do is drown in their depths.

I’ve never been much of a romantic, but something in me is changing. I get the feeling Savannah is turning me into a damn sap. And, I don’t even care. That doesn’t mean I’m developing feelings for her, though, I tell myself.

Even though, deep down, I can feel the tide turning. And, if I’m not careful, I know there’s the possibility that it could suck me under and drown me.

“Was I-- too rough last night?” I ask her. It’s been on my mind since I woke up and I didn’t get the impression that I hurt her, but she’s so new to being intimate with a man.

“No. I mean, I am a little sore, but it’s like a good feeling.”

Dammit, I should’ve slowed down and taken more time. “Sore feels good?” I ask, upset with myself for being too fast with her.

“When it still feels like you’re inside me...yes, it’s a good thing.”

Heat slams through me and I pull her close, kissing her like no one else is around. Like we aren’t standing in the middle of a public sidewalk. God, I love the feel of her full, soft lips and the way her mouth opens to mine. She tastes like vanilla and sugar, just how she flavored her coffee, and I want to devour her.

Instead, I remind myself that people are nearby, and break my mouth away. “Let’s go back,” I whisper. I lace my fingers through hers again and guide her and Paul back to the apartment. The second we’re inside, I drop the dog’s leash and haul Savannah up against me, dropping kisses all over her face and neck.

I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but I can’t get enough of her.

She lets out a breathy laugh and tilts her head to give me better access. When her phone rings, I’m reluctant to let her go. “Nick,” she giggles and pushes a hand against my chest.

“Ignore it,” I growl and suck on the sensitive curve where her neck and shoulder meet.

“It could be about work.”

I let out a frustrated sigh and step back while she leans over and swipes her phone off the coffee table. There are so many things I still want to teach her and my mind begins to conjure up all the positions and places we’ve yet to experience. I plan to take her all over this apartment and then when we move into my place permanently, we’re going to christen every room, every piece of furniture and then I’m going to fuck her in the ocean under the moonlight.

I try to tamp down my dirty thoughts and focus on her conversation. But, when I watch her glossy, pink lips move when she talks, I’m picturing them wrapped around my cock.

“That’s amazing!” she exclaims, eyes bright. “Yes, I know who he is…”

He?I wonder who she’s talking about. From what I can hear, she’s definitely talking to her agent. Maybe they have some news about the pictures we just took in Vegas. I haven’t heard anything yet from the client, but I know the shots turned out amazing and, if they’re smart, they’ll hire Savannah to be in their next ten campaigns.

“It is a dream come true. Yes, for sure. Okay, sounds good. Bye.”

After she hangs up, she squeals and jumps up and down. I can’t help but smile at her zest for life. It’s contagious. Before Savannah, I was unhappy and moody a lot of the time. But, now, with her carefree positivity surrounding me, it's beginning to rub off.

“What’s got you so happy, sweetheart?”

“That was my agent. Guess is thrilled with the pictures we took.”

“I knew they would be,” I say and my smile widens.

“They’re so happy that they want me to be the face of a new line they’re launching.”

“That’s terrific,” I say and swoop her into my arms. “I’m so proud of you.”

“And, that’s not all. I get to go to Capri! That’s where they’re shooting. Two weeks in Italy, can you believe it?”

“Capri?” My smile wilts. I don’t want Savannah to leave for two weeks. I mean, I suppose I could go with her and we could make a honeymoon of it between her time working.

“Yes! And, the model I’ll be working with is Simon LaFleur. He’s like onlythebiggest model right now!”

What little is left of my smile dissolves completely. “Simon LaFleur?” I groan. I don’t even have the words to describe what a creep and a playboy he is on set. Everyone knows it.

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