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The week flies by and I spend most of it in Nick’s arms-- tasting his kiss, feeling his touch and getting lost in those silvery metallic eyes. The more time I spend with him, the more attached I feel myself becoming. He’s stirring up emotions in me that I never felt before.

I’ve never been in a relationship with a man before and I enjoy every moment in Nick’s company. He makes me laugh all the time whether he means to or not and the way he looks at me makes me feel protected and secure.

We’ve been married for just over a week and it feels like I’ve known him forever. I truly can’t imagine my life without him. I try not to think about it too hard, but in the back of my mind, I know I’m falling in love with him.

I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later, but I’m just nervous because I remember his words only too clearly:“I don’t fall in love, Savannah. It makes you vulnerable and miserable when things eventually don’t work out. Because, trust me, they never do.”

Despite his jaded words, he seems to enjoy my company and our long conversations where we just lay in bed or on the couch and spend time getting to know each other better. I call it our “Questions and Secrets” game because we can ask each other anything and we usually end up learning a lot of little things-- favorite things, likes and dislikes.

And, let’s be honest, I may not be that experienced in the bedroom, but I know he enjoys the sex. Thoroughly. He’s a very good teacher and he tells me I’m a very good student. There are still quite a few things I want to try, though, and I know he loves hearing that.


I wish I could hear what he’s thinking. He’s always thoughtful and tender, but love is an entirely different animal. To me, love is the end all, be all. It’s more than just butterflies and infatuation. It’s deeper and more intense. A feeling that rocks your formerly stable world to its core. Love is someone that I can’t live without. Someone I’d die for.

And, right now, I’m falling head over heels in love with Nick Knight.

I’m falling in love with my husband.

Maybe we did things a little backwards, put the cart before the horse as my mom likes to say, but eventually we’re going to end up at the same destination. We just took a bit of a different path to get there. To get to our forever.

And, some people might think I’m being overly optimistic and a little naive, but I believe in the power of love. I believe in Nick and me. I’m really hoping that with some more time, I’ll be able to make him see that life can be a fairytale.

It’s the Fourth of July and every year the residents of Sunset Terrace have a big barbeque and get-together around the pool. I just finished making a big bowl of potato salad to bring and, as I cover it with some aluminum foil, I hear Nick wander up behind me and slide his arms around my waist. When he begins to kiss my neck, I lean back in his arms and sigh.

I believe in Nick and me. I really, really do.

“Maybe we should skip this thing and just go straight to bed,” he murmurs between kisses.

“Nick,” I say and squirm away. “I want you to meet my friends.” All week, it’s been quiet around here because everyone was traveling for work. But, now, because of the holiday, they should be back and I’m looking forward to showing my man off.

He sighs. “I know, I know. I just thought I’d try to tempt you into a night of extreme pleasure-”

“Stop it,” I say, unable to miss the heated look rising in his eyes. “Let me just change into my bathing suit and we can go.”

“Can I watch?”

I laugh. “No! Stay put,” I order him and hurry away. I toss a flirty look over my shoulder. “You’re becoming a very bad influence on me, you know that?”

“I hope so.”

Five minutes later, we walk across the yard with Paul and it looks like the whole crew is here. Jazz is the only one who knows about Nick because we talked over the phone. She just returned from a fashion show in Milan and I know she’s dying to meet him.

The moment we appear, Jasmine sweeps over, all elegant-looking in a sheer cover-up, chunky jewelry and gold sandals. She wears full makeup and it's quite clear she has no intention of actually going swimming. “Savvy!” She calls and then gives me a hug. “Nick, I’m not sure if you remember, but we worked together before.” She shakes his hand, eyeing him up and down.

“I remember. Good to see you, Jasmine,” he says. “I heard you're doing a lot of runway now.”

“That’s right. I’m Savannah’s next door neighbor who’s been trying to get her to go out and live life for the past year. Guess it just took meeting you to bring out her wild and crazy side.”

Taylor, my other neighbor, appears. Normally, her long red hair is pulled back into a tight, low bun, but tonight it hangs loosely around her face. “Well, if it isn’t the two lovebirds.” She studies Nick then bumps me with an elbow. “Good job, Savvy.”

Maybe Jasmine isn’t the only one who knows about our marriage, after all.

I can feel my face turn red as I introduce Nick. “Taylor is a ballerina,” I tell him.

“Classically-trained and aspiring ballerina by day, hip-hop dancer by night,” she says and does a little pirouette.
