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Nick smiles. “Nice to meet you.”

“Better put your order in over at the grill with Foxy Flyboy,” Jasmine says.

“Does he know you guys call him that?” Nick asks.

The girls all laugh.

“No way,” Taylor says.

“And, even if he did, he’s too polite to say anything,” Jasmine adds.

“What do you want?” I ask Nick. “Burger or hotdog?”

“I’ll take a burger.”

“Okay. Be right back.” I walk over to set the potato salad on a table and say hi to Ryan and put our order in.

Ryan eyes me as he adds another patty and hot dog on the grill while I grab a couple of beers from the cooler. “So, ah, I hear you tied the knot?”

Jazz has such a big mouth,I think. “Yeah, um, last week.” I guess at this point, I should just assume everyone knows.

“And, how long have you known this guy?”

“Nick and I met while working in Vegas.”

He arches a dark brow. For a moment he doesn’t say anything. “Well, for what it’s worth, you seem really happy. So, congrats.”

“Thanks, Ryan. I appreciate it.”

As I walk away, I glance back over my shoulder and can’t help but notice the sadness that always seems to hover around Ryan. I know his marriage didn’t work out and he’s been divorced for years. And, in all the time I’ve lived here, he’s never mentioned a date or brought a woman back home.

I get the feeling that Foxy Flyboy is a very lonely man. In a way, he kind of reminds me of how I was a week ago. He rarely goes out, just spends his days putzing around the building. I hope he finds someone like I did because I’d love to see a smile on his handsome face for once.

Just when I think things are going well, Cody and Mason come downstairs. The dynamic duo, as we like to call them, spend most of their time at the beach. Both are pro-surfers and travel all around the world competing in various competitions. They’re extremely tan, well-built and like to drink and flirt.

When they see Nick sitting next to me, I notice them exchange a look. “Brother visiting, Savannah?” Cody asks with a smirk.

“She doesn’t have a brother,” Nick says in a nonchalant voice.

“Cody, Mason, this is Nick, my-”

“Her husband!” Jasmine gushes. “Eat your heart out boys. This is what a real man looks like.”

“Aww, what the hell do you know, Jazz? You only date pussies.” Cody elbows Mason, but he doesn’t say anything.

I feel kind of bad because when Mason asked me out last year, I said no and brushed him off with some excuse. Now, he’s looking from me to Nick like a puppy dog who just got kicked.

“Are we allowed to have dogs now?” Cody asks, eyeing Paul.

“No,” Ryan immediately pipes in from over by the grill. “Paul is just visiting for a bit.”

“Paul, huh?” Cody scratches him behind the ear. Paul leans into his hand and looks like he’s smiling.

“How was Hawaii, fellas?” Taylor asks.

Cody gives the hang loose/ shaka hand sign and grins. “Massive waves, right, brah?” He turns to Mason and slaps his back. “Mase here caught a huge one. It was stellar.”

“Yeah,” Mason finally smiles. “It was pretty amazing once I knew I wasn’t going to die.”
