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“You are too cute, Savvy.”

“He’s...very handsome,” I admit, feeling flustered. “Anyone with eyes can see that.”

“He’s also twice your age and otherwise taken.”

“Duh. Like I’d do anything about it, anyway. Even if he wasn’t,” I add.

“Maybe he’ll have a hot assistant helping him out.”

Assistant?Is she kidding? Um, yeah, no one would be hotter than Nick Knight. He’s legit steaming. Wow, I can’t even imagine having a man like that as a boyfriend. The hotness would overwhelm me.

I know I said before that I wanted a man and not a boy. But, looking at Nick...he’s so much man that I’d have no idea what to even do with him.Whatever.It doesn’t matter, I tell myself. He’s off-limits.

When I meet him, I will shake his hand and smile politely. I will model my ass off and show him that I am a force to reckon with; an up and comer that he needs to keep his eye on.

He will be thoroughly impressed with my professionalism and hard work. And, maybe, if I’m lucky, we will get to work together again at some point in the future.

If not, I’ll tell him that it was a pleasure, board the plane and return home.

Back to my lonely, little apartment here at Sunset Terrace.
