Page 11 of This Time Around

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Chase tooka last look in the mirror.He looked terrific dressed in formal attire.A few faint lines had crept up, adding character to the handsome face that stared back.When Timmy came into his life, he devoted his time to him and bonded with his nephew.He had a family now and a job he enjoyed getting up in the morning and going to.At twenty-eight, Chase was at a place where he was happier than he’d ever been with his life and career—except for one thing: a partner for life.He’d shied away from social functions and the inquiring looks he got when he appeared single, without a date.

Laurie had made it clear to Chase she didn’t want a singles’ table at the wedding.Her request, in lieu of a wedding present, was for him to bring a date.In Chase’s case, he had sweated it out, hoping the busy bride would have other things to do than notice his dilemma.He didn’t count on the fact that Laurie was super organized and never one to miss details, especially when it came to her favorite cousin.When Katie arrived in town before the wedding, her prayers were answered.

The call from Laurie was unexpected, and her wish for him to have Katie as his plus one turned his life into turmoil.

Chase blanched at the sound of Katie’s name.A chilling blast from the past.Her words still stung ten years later.But after all Laurie had done for him, he couldn’t turn her down.He didn’t want to be the creep who ruined things.Her wedding was the biggest day of her life, and Chase wanted to be a part of it—a perfect day.

Reliving the sting of Katie’s rejection felt like reopening a festering, crusted wound.He’d tried many times to close it and, with it, his thoughts of her.That last day, they had gone to their favorite spot and brought a picnic.He’d been saving all his money and had bought a ring for her.Chase couldn’t afford a diamond, not even a tiny one, but he spent every penny he had and bought her a ring that came close.The clerk had assured him a cubic zirconia was the next best thing.Chase had wrapped the ring box inside the cotton napkin and waited with jittery nerves for the moment she unfurled it.

Chase had dreamed of this day, and the moment she discovered the ring.He could hear her squeal with joy and see her face beaming as she shouted a “Yes!”to his heartfelt proposal.

Tears brimmed in his eyes.The rejection was cruel and awkwardly done.His tender heart had felt the stab, and it wasn’t softened by kind words or a touch.Blunt, sharp, and hurtful, Katie’s words echoed in the deep recesses of his mind, where he could not scrub them out, no matter how hard he tried.
