Page 15 of This Time Around

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A sinking sensation gripped Chase.His chest tightened as he watched Katie swirling on the dance floor while the room throbbed with the pounding bass of the speakers.She was laughing, throwing her head back.Brad had asked her, and he had not.He was supposed to be her proper date, a promise to Laurie, he chided himself.Other thoughts pushed back.She’s an adult, no longer eighteen, and she’s free to dance with whomever she wants.Still, something didn’t quite sit right, and he couldn’t wait for the song to end.

When the music stopped, Katie didn’t come back.Brad was saying something to her now, bending his head to her ear, and she laughed, touching his arm, as the two of them stayed on the dance floor.It seemed like an eternity, but it was only a few seconds before the music started again, a slow dance.Brad took her into his arms, and she closed in, putting her face on his chest.Even as Chase growled and willed his butt to stay seated, he couldn’t help but notice how they made a striking couple.Brad, perfectly groomed in his expensive formal attire, and Katie, loose hair cascading down her back in her form-fitting silk dress.Chase scowled as Brad’s hand moved up and down Katie’s back.

But Chase wasn’t the only one who noticed.When the notes signaled the song was nearing an end, a blonde woman split from the group Brad had been a part of.She was dressed in smart-looking, pricy, glittering attire, and she effortlessly took over, replacing Katie in the next dance.

Chase shot out of his chair, stunning himself at how fast his body moved before his mind had a chance to think it over and put a halt to it, and rushed to Katie’s side.Her mouth dropped open, a blank look on her face.

“May I have the next dance?”


“Would love to.”Chase finished her sentence and grabbed her hand as the DJ played the next song.

Katie barely recoveredher shock before Chase swept her away.Flustered and caught off-guard, she fidgeted in his arms, her hand flailing as she reoriented her body and made sense of this.This side of Chase was new to her and exciting.He exuded a strong masculinity.His cologne paled in comparison.

Ten years ago, Chase was a gangly, awkward teenager.He didn’t know how to dance then, and he was all feet and clumsy.But despite it, he’d asked her to the prom.Katie didn’t know it at the time, but found out later how elated he was when she said yes, and that he’d asked his Sunday school teacher, the young pastor’s wife, to show him some dance steps.

It touched her heart when she found out how hard he’d tried and how determined he’d been to succeed.He’d surprised her on prom night with a beautiful corsage and the sleek limo he’d rented, splitting the cost with friends.She hadn’t expected it, but with the sincerity of his heart, the shy, gawky guy had danced his way into hers.
