Page 16 of This Time Around

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Chase glanceddown at Katie’s face, upturned toward him as they danced under the sparkling disco balls, the lights, and fabric swags draped across the ceiling.He remembered the prom and Katie, his date.They were so young and naïve.He saw her in his future, nothing and no one else.Senior year, the prom was their last hurrah before they became adults and stepped into the real world.It was their last celebration, the biggest event at school.

Would she remember that night?He remembered how she’d looked at him then—her face lit up with a beaming smile and shining eyes.He remembered how they’d clung to each other in the slow dances and his racy pulse and the stirring in his loins.

They lost track of time.The DJ made the announcement that the bride and groom were leaving on their honeymoon.Soon after, the reception started winding down.Chase was wrapped in the moment, caught between his memories of ten years ago and the reality of Katie’s warm arms encircling him now as he inhaled the scent of her light floral perfume.He had planned to make an excuse and leave, heading out early.He didn’t plan on dancing with her.He didn’t order the quickening of his heartbeat when she smiled and laughed at his jokes, and her soft, small fingers nestled in his hand.

He saw Mary approach with Jim, each supporting her momma as she walked.

“We’re heading out,” Mary said.

Katie raised her head, her hair ruffled.“Time to go?”

The sisters exchanged a glance, and Mary said, “You guys stay.Jim and I will take Momma home.”

“I don’t know.Are you sure?”Katie hesitated, tilting her head.

“I’ll give her a ride home,” Chase said.

“Then it’s settled,” Mary said, smiling.“You know where the spare key is, Katie.Don’t wake Momma up when you come in.”

After they left, something shifted in the environment.The interruption broke the moment, the dreamy state he’d entered.He took a step back.

“Hungry?”Chase cocked his head.“How about some caffeine and dessert?”It popped out of his mouth.

“Coffee sounds wonderful, and maybe a slice of cake or pie.”

“I know just the place.”

Chase led the way,pulling out the keys when he reached a shiny red truck.

Katie stopped in mid-stride, gaping at the new vehicle.“This is my ride?”

He grinned and unlocked the passenger door, giving a slight bow.“Your seat is waiting.Step right up.”

“Wow, this is a great-looking truck,” she said, getting in.

He took her to a diner at the edge of town.It was a new place that opened up about five years ago, sparsely decorated and clean.

They picked a table and slid onto the smooth benches.The tabletop had streaks of wetness, having been just wiped with a damp cloth.The waitress came back with a dry towel and two menus.

“Hi, what can I get you?”She held a pen poised over an order pad.

“Two coffees, please.”Chase paused, studying the menu.“And a slice of your homemade pie.”

“What kind of pie do you have?”Katie asked.

“We’ve got apple, peach, and custard pie.”

“I’ll have the custard,” Katie said.“I can’t remember the last time I had homemade custard pie.”

“Make it two,” Chase said, handing the menus to the waitress and noticing the tag pinned on her uniform with her name.“Mabel.”

He sat back, arching into the curved bench seat.“The pies are delicious.They make them fresh every day.”

“I can’t wait to try it,” Katie said.

He wondered what had gotten into him.Chase hadn’t planned to be in a diner or to have anything to do with Katie.He had fulfilled his agreement with Laurie and should’ve left hours ago.A mix of emotions churned inside him.He remembered how she’d betrayed him.Cut up his heart and served it up on a platter.He’d held a grudge for ten years.He wondered, had she ever known how he felt or regretted what she’d done?How had her life been since?Was it worth it leaving her hometown and going to the city?
