Page 26 of This Time Around

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Katie pulledon a pair of long, yellow gloves and started washing the dishes.“You cooked.I’ll clean.”

Mary laughed as she cleared the table and brought the dirty plates, cups, and utensils to the sink.“Just like old times.”

“It’s the least I can do.”

In twenty minutes, Katie had the dishes done and the kitchen sparkling clean.She went to her room to change into a fresh T-shirt and a pair of faded, tattered jeans.She tied her hair back in a ponytail and applied light eye shadow and a touch of lipstick.Eyeing herself in the mirror, she gave a nod of satisfaction, ignoring the fluttering feeling in her stomach and, at the same time, the thought of fleeing.She had entertained making an excuse to leave.But then, she’d be missing the chance to see Timmy, and she definitely wanted to meet this boy.

She heard the doorbell ring and Mary’s voice call out in greeting.

It was time to go.She took one last look in the mirror and put on a smile.

She heard a child’s voice talking to Mary as she walked into the living room.Then she saw him.A small boy, standing in front of Mary.His sandy hair was neatly trimmed and combed.He was dressed casually in a blue-and-white striped top, blue jeans, and sneakers.

Mary looked up and put a hand on his shoulder, pointing to Katie.“You haven’t met my sister Katie.”

Beaming, Katie bent her knees and stooped to the child’s eye level.“Hi.You must be Timmy.”

Timmy smiled and held himself straight, standing like a little man—a gentleman.

She held out her hand.“Nice to meet you.”

He reached out, and his tiny hand clasped hers as they shook.“You have soft hands.”

Katie couldn’t resist giving him a hug, and her eyes met Chase, standing behind Timmy.

“I’m going to get started,” Chase said, spinning around, one hand on the front doorknob.

“Would you like some help?”Katie asked.

“Not now; I’m unloading.”

She turned to Timmy.“How about some hot chocolate?”

“Yes, ma’am,” Timmy said, his eyes lighting up.

“Only if you call me Katie.”She smiled and headed to the kitchen as the sounds of the TV blaring in the living room and Momma’s laughing filled the air.Katie filled an electric kettle with water and turned it on.While it was heating, she selected a cup with cartoon characters from the cabinet, grabbed a packet of hot chocolate, and emptied it into the mug, keeping herself busy while her thoughts swirled.She knew about Timmy, but seeing him in person—her heart ached for this little guy who had lost both of his parents, standing tall before her, so polite and so brave.

The flip switch popped up, announcing the hot water was ready.Katie teared up, and her hands shook as she poured water into the mug, mixing the contents with a spoon before dropping the utensil in the sink.She turned around, hoping Timmy wouldn’t notice her moistened eyes.

“Have a seat,” Katie said as she pulled up a kitchen chair and sat, gesturing to Timmy.“I hope you like marshmallows.”She set his cup on the table, the white nuggets floating at the top, their edges melting in the drink.

He nodded eagerly.“Oooh.”

“Let it cool down for a bit.”

Katie smiled, sliding a napkin across the table.

“You like helping Chase?”

“Yes.Chase is my uncle, but I call him Dad because he raised me.”

“You want to be a carpenter when you grow up?”

“I wanna”—Timmy squirmed in his chair, wiggling his arm and pointing his finger at Katie—“drive those big trucks and lifts.”

“A heavy-machine operator?”

“Yeah.”Timmy waved, stretching his arms and making a wide half-circle in the air.“This big.”

“That’s cool.”

Katie talked to Timmy and watched him slurp down his hot chocolate when it was ready to drink, finishing it off to the last drop.

Then he was done with talking.Timmy sat his empty mug down and slid off his chair.“I wanna go help Dad.”
