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Henry watched all the color drain from Eleanor’s face. It was a phenomenon he’d never witnessed before, and he was rather startled by it. She relaxed the grip she had on him, and her arms fluttered to her sides. As if she were in a daze, Eleanor moved toward the stairs.

“I think I’ll just go lie down for a few minutes,” Eleanor said faintly.

Quickly, Henry hurried to her side. “How about I help you up the stairs?” He asked, offering her his hand.

“Thank you, Your Grace. That would be lovely,” Eleanor replied, putting her small hand in his own. She took an unsteady step and swayed slightly.

“Eleanor, do you think you can make it up the stairs?” Henry questioned, lowering his voice so that anyone else who might still be in the vicinity would not overhear their conversation.

“I believe I’ll be just fine, Henry,” Eleanor replied mechanically. Henry could see the way she was breathing very carefully in and out, as her nostrils flared a very little with each breath. He leaned closer into her as she took her next step, and she nearly tumbled. “I’m having trouble seeing the stairs…” she murmured.

Henry did not wait for her permission. He draped one arm over her shoulder and bent so he could wrap the other arm under her knees.

“Henry!” Eleanor gasped as he lifted her smoothly into the air. He could tell that she wanted to protest, but her words fell silent on her lips. She bent her head into his chest and her body went limp.

“Eleanor, Eleanor!” Henry said hurriedly.

“Stop yelling, Henry. I’m right here. I’m only resting my eyes. All of a sudden, I feel exhausted.”

Henry raced up the stairs as quickly as he possibly could and then he took Eleanor directly to her chambers. He lowered her onto the edge of the bed. She sat upright, but she swayed a little.

Henry glanced around Eleanor’s room helplessly. “Let’s make you comfortable. Should we perhaps take off your dress?”

Eleanor’s thin eyebrow moved up her forehead and she swung her head to look at Henry. “No, thank you. If you call for my lady’s maid, she will be able to help me.”

“Okay, fine,” Henry replied. He wasn’t trying to do anything that would bring Eleanor discomfort—quite the opposite really. Just glancing at her made his heartbeat erratically.

Something is wrong. I can feel it in my bones.

The sight of Eleanor swaying back and forth on the bed brought Henry to near hysterics. He looked at the white bandage that was almost concealed underneath her gloves and his pulse began thudding so wildly, he felt like it was pounding in his ears.

The cat scratch! The cat scratched her and now she is feeling the side effects.

Henry kept one foot inside Eleanor’s room, as he didn’t want to leave her, but he poked his head out into the hall. “Hello, there!” Henry cried out. One of the servants was carrying a bundle of fresh linens and she looked terrified when Henry spoke to her.

“Your Grace,” the woman said, dropping into a deep curtsy.

“Please fetch Her Grace’s lady’s maid. We need assistance at once.”

“Yes, Your Grace,” the woman replied, and she took off down the hall in the direction of the staircase.

Henry came fully back into Eleanor’s bedchamber, and he noted the way her hands drifted to her head. She was holding the sides of her face, massaging her forefingers into her temples.

He went and sat next to her on the bed. “What can I do, Eleanor? How can I be of help to you?”

Eleanor shook her head slowly. “There’s nothing you can do. I’m reeling from the conversation with my mother. That is all. Once I’ve had time to digest her words properly, I shall be well again.”

“But…” Henry started and then stopped himself. He stared down at the bandage on her arm.

I don’t want to make the situation worse. If I bring up the cat right now, Eleanor might become upset.

Henry reached toward Eleanor’s bandage, and he noticed it was no longer a pristine white. A thin trickle of blood left tiny red spots on the material. Henry’s breath caught in his throat. “I’m going to call for a physician.”

“No, Henry. Please don’t go to all that trouble,” Eleanor murmured. She scooted herself up the length of the bed and when her hands touched the pillows there, she laid down. She curled onto her left side and put her hands underneath her cheek. “I’ll just sleep for a few hours and then… I assure you… I will be perfectly well again.”

Before Henry could argue, Eleanor shut her eyes and her breathing became very deep and heavy.
