Page 15 of The Banker

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I playfully punch him and he lands on his ass in the sand. I like how Paris gets along with the team. She might be worth a billion or so dollars but she isn’t a snob; she doesn’t let her wealth stop her from associating with low-paid security guys.

“What about you, Luca?” she asks. “Think you’ll ever have kids?”

“Sure, one day,” he says, nonchalantly. “I’m still a baby myself. Not like these ancients,” he says, gesturing towards the rest of us guys.

“You’re twenty-six—hardly a baby,” I retort. “But, yeah, you have plenty of time yet. Enjoy yourself, bro’.”

“I plan to.”

“How is Autumn these days, anyway?” I know this is going to irritate the hell out of him.

“For the hundredth time, I am not attracted to Autumn Lockhart.” His frown and slight flush tells me otherwise, but I don’t ever press. He’s loved Autumn forever. Well, at least since she arrived here a couple years ago. She’s completely oblivious though and seems to have a weird penchant for stiff, corporate guys in suits, not laid-back surfer dudes in board shorts.

“I’m heading back,” Jaxon announces.

“I’ll go with you.” Hud says, grabbing one of the bags of empty bottles.

“I’m going to walk Seleste back to reception,” Tawny says. “A few guests have left gifts for the baby so I’m going to go fetch them.”

“A sleep machine by any chance?” Carter sounds hopeful. He bends to kiss the baby on her head then lands a long one on Seleste’s lips. “I’ll catch you up, chica,” he says and a glint appears in her eye.

“Don’t you boys let him out of your sight,” Seleste calls over her shoulder. “I’m pretty sure he’ll jump in a boat the second you turn your back.”

“I would never do that.” I’ve never seen Carter pout, but his expression now comes close to it.

“I’m heading to the dive center,” Luca announces. “Help Autumn close up.”

“I’m gonna leave you boys to it,” Paris says beside me. I can detect a hint of defiance in her tone. She’s not inviting me to go with her, back to the Hemingway, the most luxurious villa on the island. Her Russian billionaire husband hires it for most of the season so he can keep his wife happy while he carries out his dirty dealings in Miami. She knows I would never invite myself back to the villa; I’m still a member of staff at the end of day. So I suspect I’m being punished, yet again, for taking on the role of Aurelia’s full time security.

“Ok, you sure?” I turn to face her fully.

“I am.” She gives me a dazzling smile which makes me question myself. “I need some sleep before Roman comes back tomorrow.”

“Of course.” Roman’s impending returns usually drive Paris into my arms, not away from them, but not this time it seems. I sigh inwardly. I don’t know what else I can say to her. I am not attracted to Aurelia Bird, but the money is good, and keeping Aurelia secure will ensure no controversy hits our first residency on Starling Key. My arm stretches out as Paris walks away, until finally, our fingers disentangle and my wrist falls to my thigh. I watch her leave, with mixed feelings. I’m pissed that I won’t be spending the night with her, enveloping her tiny body with mine, but I’m annoyed that she feels she has to play me.

So now, it's just me, Connor and Carter.

“So, who’s this guy you’ve found to cover Isaac for the next few months?” Carter asks.

“His name’s Axel…” Connor starts.

“Dude—” Carter laughs. “What kind of a name is that? There’s literally only one Axel in this world, ok? Axel Rose. No one else can carry that name off.”

Connor arches an eyebrow. “When you meet this guy, I guarantee you’ll change your mind.”

“Who is he?”

“He’s friends with a buddy of mine from the Marines. He was a SEAL…”

Carter hisses through his teeth. “Great.”

“…but he got kicked out.”

“What?” We’d started walking around the side of the Grand House towards the drive, but my grip on Connor’s arm stops us all. “Why?”

“He smuggled drugs into Iraq.”

“Drugs? How?”
