Page 87 of The Banker

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I look sideways at her, cheekily. “You enjoying this?”

She grins and shakes her head in despair. “I’ll give you some privacy.”

She does turn away and I’m thankful as I roll down my tight, wet boxers. I’m getting hard, despite having just dunked myself in ice cold water. The look she just gave me set everything on fire.

I pull on the combats, commando. “Ok, all done.”

She turns around and her eyes go immediately to my bare torso. I watch her swallow, and try my best to curb the erection I know is desperate to make an appearance.

“Come on.” I jerk my head east, towards the boardwalk. “It’s been quite a night, and we have a birthday to celebrate.”

She catches up and takes hold of my hand. I feel warm everywhere. We walk together, as though we’re a couple, along the beach. I don’t know if it’s just me but I feel like our strides are getting shorter, the pace slower, as if neither of us want to stop walking. I open the gate, still holding her hand, and we walk through together. I still don’t let go as I take the key card and swipe open the door. I still don’t let go as I lead her across to the couch and pull her down next to me.

“I’ve been thinking.” Her voice is quiet and she looks past me as if too nervous to address me directly.

“That’s dangerous.”

She grins. “I’m going to need to build my own team now, from scratch. And that includes my security.”

I listen, even though I know what’s coming next.

“Would you want to work for me full-time?” Her eyes flick to mine hopefully.

I stare into them, marveling at how clear and courageous they are.

I shake my head. “No.”

Her lips pull up at the corners a little. She knew I would say that.

I don’t think. I just lean towards her and press my lips to hers. She opens them for me and lets me slide my tongue into her mouth. A small moan vibrates against my lips and she licks my tongue as it roams gently. My hand slides up to the back of her head and I hold her as I lower us both down on the couch. I’m going to take this, whatever she’s prepared to give me. Our limbs wrap around each other, her hips glued to mine, as we lose ourselves in the kiss. I open my eyes because I need to see her. Hers are open too, just an inch from mine, and we watch each other as we delve deeper. I curl a leg around her, anchoring her to me, and just when I feel we can’t get any closer without me being inside, she pulls back.

“Are you sure you won’t be my security?”

I nod and go back to her lips, sucking them between my teeth and licking my tongue across hers.

She pulls away again. “You’re really, really sure?”

“Mm-hmm,” I murmur, dipping into her again.

“Is this real?” It’s a whisper against my mouth.

I move my lips across her cheek and nibble at her jaw. “Yes, Aurelia. This is real.”

“Is it going to last?”

I stop nibbling and plant small kisses on her throat beneath her ear, then pull back to face her.

I shake my head slowly. “No. You have a new life to start, and I belong here.”

She nods, her eyes taking on a watery shine. “Did you ever want me?”

I frown and pull away. “Don’t ever ask me such a fucking stupid question again.”

Her voice drops. “Do you still?”

I lower my lips to hers and whisper against them. “What did I just say?” I want her more than anything but she deserves better than me. I’m messed up about women, and even if I wasn’t, she has a new life to build and I would only get in the way.

“So come with me,” she whispers back.

I breathe against her, wishing I didn’t have to say it. “I can’t.”

Her body folds further into me, warm and malleable. “I’m never going to meet anyone else like you,” she says, nuzzling into my neck. Her breath is growing deeper and I know she’s close to sleep. She must be exhausted.

“I hope, for your sake, you don’t.” My lips graze across her temple.

Sleep starts to take her, but not before one last thought leaves her mouth, whether she’s conscious of it or not. “We’re not over, Isaac.”

I kiss the lids of her eyes and feel the breath of her sleep hot on my face. “You’re right, baby girl. I don’t think we ever will be.”
