Page 6 of Taken By Nikolai

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I turn over, his cum leaking down my thigh, and stare at him, finding his eyes on me, his gaze intense as he stares at my naked body. The heat of his eyes has my body igniting.

Guilt hits me hard as I stare at his semi-erect cock. Everything we did was wrong—but oh so right. He’s not mine. I shouldn’t have touched him. Shame fills me.

“Yelena,” he says, his voice thick with lust.

“What?” I ask, my defiance back in full force.

“I meant what I said, malenkaya, you are mine.”

I jump to my feet, beyond annoyed at his words. How many times is he going to repeat himself? It doesn’t change anything. “No, I’m not. Christ, Nikolai. What we did was wrong on so many levels.” My gaze goes to his cock once again. “You didn’t even wear a damn condom. Thank God, I’m on the pill,” I say disgustedly. I’ve never been with a guy who hasn’t been covered. For the first man to take me bare to be my mother’s husband makes my stomach roll and nausea rise up my throat.

"Lena," he growls, causing shivers to dance up my spine. His eyes narrow, his lips thin, and anger rolls off him in waves. No doubt at me not agreeing with him. He truly despises disobedience. “I’m not in the habit of repeating myself.”

Oops. seems as though I’ve angered the big bad Pakhan. Oh well. I look down at my torn t-shirt, the one that I loved. It fit perfectly. Now I’ll never be able to wear it again. Reaching down I pick it up off the floor and spin on my heel. I’m confused and nauseous right now. I need to walk away, there’s absolutely nothing that I can say right now. Nikolai is delusional. The best thing is to stay clear of him.

A week, that’s how long I managed to avoid him for before. Something that I’ll be doing again after tonight. This can’t happen again. If my mother ever finds out, she’d hit the roof. My mother is one of a kind, someone who does not take being slighted lightly. If she finds out about what happened between Nikola and I—I’d be sleeping with one eye open. She can be ruthless when she wants and being married so many times, to powerful men, has helped her amass a great deal of allies.

“The tee,” his deep voice calls out as I reach the door. “Who’s was it?”

I don’t answer him, instead, I keep my head held high and climb the stairs to shower, the t-shirt clung tight to my body. The dark t-shirt belonged to the boy that I loved, the one that taught me way too many lessons. I kept the shirt because it was comfortable and as a reminder not to fall for a pretty face.

Alessio Bianchi taught me that loving someone can destroy you. He showed me that no matter how devoted to someone you are, they’ll cheat. He made me realize that trust shouldn’t come freely.

Four years ago, he broke me. It took me a while to get over that betrayal. I should have known that he was only with me to get information on my family. But the truth is, I would never give them up, no matter how much I loved someone. My family is everything and I’ll protect them with my dying breath.

Alessio isn’t the only person that I loved to betray me. He wasn’t even the one that hurt the most. He was however the one that I managed to break free of. My mother on the other hand, we’ll that’s something that I’m still trying to figure out.

Sleeping with her husband does not make us even. Not even in the slightest. But then again, she’s never going to find out what happened between Nikolai and I.

Climbing into the shower, I let the water cascade over me. Slowly removing the bandage on my side. It’s looking much better, still puckered and red, but at least it’s closed up and no longer bleeding.

I close my eyes and my body tightens when the memories of Nikolai’s hands on me hit. The way his strong calloused fingers felt as he finger fucked me.

I shake my head trying to get those thoughts out of my mind.

Christ, this is going to be torture. Being under the same roof as him is going to be hard enough, but having the onslaught of memories—I’m going to be a mess.

I just pray that I can survive the next three weeks.
