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“You’ve been seeing her every day?” Jackson asked incredulously.

“Not every single day,” I said. “But almost every day.”

Jackson rubbed his chin just the way Calloway did. They looked a lot alike, but they had distinctly different features. Calloway had a hard jaw, and Jackson’s was a little softer. “And has there been any change?”

“No,” I answered. “We are going to try for a few more weeks and hope something changes. But I think it could help if you came along.”

He tensed at the question like he’d been hoping it wouldn’t arise.

I was sympathetic to his reaction, but only so much. “This is your mother we’re talking about, Jackson. You should be there for her. She would be there for you.”

“I’m not really the best person for this,” Jackson said. “I’m not good at the talking thing. And Calloway will tell you I can barely read.” He forced a laugh that sounded completely false.

“Calloway isn’t the best person for this either,” I argued. “But he does it because it’s the right thing to do. Calloway shouldn’t have to carry this burden alone. You should be in this together.”

“I’m not trying to sound like an asshole, but our mom is gone.” Jackson shrugged in apology. “She can’t remember us. She can’t remember Dad. She can’t remember who the goddamn president is. It’s pointless. I’m not going to go down there and read to her when she’s not going to remember anything anyway. Why put ourselves through that? She’s in an assisted-living facility for a reason. Besides, I don’t want to see her like that.”

“But what if seeing you helps her memory?” I countered.

“Best-case scenario, she does remember Calloway and me. We spend the afternoon together and bond and whatever. And then the next morning when she wakes up, she forgets everything all over again. I know I sound like a dick, but seriously, what’s the point?”

I understood where he was coming from, even if it was harsh. “Because she’s your mom, Jackson. She gave birth to you and raised you, in case you’ve forgotten. It shouldn’t matter if she remembers you or not. I’m sure you’ve forgotten lots of wonderful things she’s done for you, but that didn’t stop her from taking care of you.”

Jackson bowed his head like the insult had some sort of impact.

Calloway crossed his leg and rested his ankle on the opposite knee. His fingers were interlocked on his lap as he stared at his younger brother behind the desk, in the seat he used to occupy on a daily basis.

Jackson gave a better response. “I’ll think about it, okay?”

That was the best I was going to get out of him. “Thank you.”

Calloway turned to me, surprise in his eyes. He probably assumed Jackson would never change his mind.

I rose from the chair because I was eager to leave Ruin. The place only reminded me of the kind of man Calloway used to be. When I was trying to find the right man to settle down with, he was here with a chain around some woman’s throat. I didn’t like thinking about his past, especially when it changed my current opinion about him. It wasn’t fair either. “We’ll leave you to your friends…”

Calloway followed me out without saying goodbye to his brother. We left the office then walked down the hallway. His hand found mine instantly, the affection reminding everyone around us that we were committed to one another. “I didn’t think you were going to change his mind.”

“Well, I haven’t changed his mind—not yet.”



I had an incredible dream that night.

I walked into the house after a long day at the office. I undid my tie as I walked through the door and popped open the top button on my collared shirt. Rome was sitting on the couch with her paperwork on the coffee table. Her heels were slipped off her feet and tucked neatly under the table.

I stood at the edge of the living room and stared her down.

She met my look with her usual feistiness. “How was your day?”

I wasn’t in the mood for small talk. I wasn’t in the mood to be equals. I just wanted to be in control. “Don’t speak.”

The feistiness stayed in her eyes, but she didn’t open her mouth again, obeying me like the good submissive she was. She knew I was in the mood to be more than just her boyfriend. She knew I wanted to dominate.

“On your knees.” I didn’t need to tell her twice.

She moved to the floor and sat on her knees, her hands resting on her thighs. Defiance was in her eyes because she didn’t want to obey me. But she listened to me anyway, knowing this was what I needed.

And that made me rock-hard.

I stripped off my jacket and tossed it on the ground. Then I moved to my shirt next, taking my time as I undid each button. Despite her discomfort, I made her wait. She would sit there as long as I wanted her to. Now she was the submissive, and she had a job to do.
