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Blaine stoodhelpless as Emilia’s eyes drifted closed, and she lost her grip on the ladder, her body landing on the muddy earth with a sickening thud.

He ran forward and soon huddled at her side, holding his fingers to her lips while waiting for her warm breath to hit his skin. She was still breathing. Next, he slid his hands under her and caught a palmful of mud as he lifted her out of the rain.

He’d come here thinking he could get some work done since he’d mostly be inside and away from the elements. There’d be a few awkward glances here and there, but for the most part, he’d ignore her and any emotions she might draw.

The last thing he expected was to arrive just in time to see her pass out.

And what the hell was she doing up a ladder in the rain, anyway?

His insides churned at her slight body sprawled across his arms, her head curved back, and her eyes shut. He nudged the back door’s handle down with his elbow and stepped into the kitchen. Thanks to their run-in the other day, he knew where the bathroom was.

He stormed through the house before laying her down on the tiled floor; where he propped her legs up on the edge of the bathtub and sent more blood toward her heart.

Over the years, he’d made a point of keeping his first-aid skills current because as a carpenter with multiple employees, accidents happened. The first thing he noticed now was that her color was off. Her honey-toned complexion was mostly gone, and a purple tinge took over in places.

He had no idea how long she’d been out in the cold wearing no more than a t-shirt and shorts, but her icy skin indicated it had been a while. If she didn’t wake soon, he’d call an ambulance, but being remote meant help would take a long time. He would have to assist her as best he could.

He tugged at the tight waistband on her denim shorts, his movements jerky and matching his racing thoughts. Restrictive clothing would hinder her circulation, and as uncomfortable and inappropriate as touching an unconscious woman felt, his actions were necessary.

Her white t-shirt lay caked in mud, her arms and her left cheek not fairing any better. A white bra glowed from beneath the shirt, one he’d need to unclip in the hopes of getting more air into her lungs and waking her up.

He paused, not wanting to touch her in that way. “For fuck’s sake, Blaine. Pull yourself together.”

So, he stopped mumbling out loud and leaned in again, sliding his hands either side of her body and under her back, his face hovering inches from hers while he wrestled with the clip.

Not wanting to eyeball her anymore, he turned his head to one side. But of course, the second he got the clip undone and faced her again, she was blinking up at him with an unfocused frown.

“W… what are you doing?” She slurred her words and lifted her head, attempting to get up, but sinking and quitting just as quickly.

He snatched his wet hands back from under her and wiped them on his jeans. “You fainted and feel like an ice block. I need to get you warm.”

“I…” She lifted her head again, groaning. “I can get myself up.”

She tried to use her left elbow for leverage, only for her face to contort and a pained hiss to break free. He put a hand between her shoulder blades and helped her lay down again. “I saw you land on that shoulder. Best not to use it just yet.”

“I fell?” She kept her eyes squeezed shut. “Oh, that’s right. I did.”

Every other part of her shook now, her teeth clinking together. There was no point drawing this out.

“I’ll run a hot shower for you. A bath would be better, but I’m not having you pass out on me again, and I don’t much like the idea of having to fish you out of the water.” She didn’t answer, so he reached across her and twisted the shower’s faucet. “While we’re waiting for the water to heat, let’s get you out of those wet clothes.”

She flung her eyes open and shook her head furiously. “I am not getting naked in front of you.”

He wanted to laugh at that, to point out it wouldn’t be anything he hadn’t seen before, but she needed his help more than his humor. Frankly, their interactions so far had been disastrous, so he understood her need for privacy.

“I’ll make you a deal.” He leaned over her again, slipping his hands under her and lifting so she could sit without having to bear weight on her shoulder. “You okay?”

She gave a quick nod, still shaking, her gaze wide and darting over his face like she didn’t know what to make of all this. “What’s the deal?”

“You keep your underwear on, but with a busted shoulder and all the shaking, there are things you’ll struggle to do on your own. So, I’ll stand behind you and look away while I help you undress. Once you’re in the shower and holding onto the rail with your good arm, I’ll keep my back turned so you can warm up. Sound all right?”

Her gaze held his, and for a quick moment, he thought he saw tears gathering in her eyes, perhaps a hint of how vulnerable she felt. Whatever he saw, she blinked it away all too quickly.

“Help me stand then.”

He got to his feet and hooked his arms under hers, hoisting her up, his dove gray t-shirt collecting water off her in the process.
