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“We get the money,and then we’re out of there.”

Anthony glared at Luciano’s henchman, the man’s arctic blue eyes steeling forward as he spoke, his hands steady on the steering wheel.

The guy looked every bit the big scary mob man, somewhere closer to seven-foot-tall than six and built like a siege fort. But fuck, just like ninety-nine percent of the population, he was a walking-talking sack of spineless bullshit.

“And what if she doesn’t play along?” Anthony spoke in a low, controlled tone, but his hands coiled into tight fists in his lap. If not for this asshole’s size and connection to Luciano, he’d be swinging a solid punch to his skull and getting rid of him.

The man’s emotionless stare hit Anthony, and granted, his whole deadpan act drew a shiver. At least the crony would do for intimidation. Emilia, the sniveling bitch, would be soon cowering in a corner and begging for mercy.

Anthony couldn’t wait to watch her beg. To watch whatever pathetic pride she’d found in betraying him dry before his eyes. What she’d done. Taking his money. Leaving. He’d take great pleasure in showing her that there’d be no forgiveness. No mercy.

“You listen to what I say. Do what I tell you.” The crony was talking again. Anthony made no effort to pretend he cared. “You’re not going to hurt her, do you understand?”

Anthony scowled at the road, with its traffic lights and wide concrete pavements, seeing no point arguing with a soft-cocked fool like the one he was momentarily forced to share this ride with.

“What sort of mob member are you?” Even as he grumbled, he kept his cool. For now, anyway.

Luciano had insisted on withholding Emilia’s location. His way of ensuring Anthony played by the rules.

“I’m not mob. I find people. I don’t kill them. And neither will you. I’ve never failed a job, and I’m not about to start now.” The guy’s stagnated phrases signaled his patience wore thin. Maybe because he and Anthony had worked together, and he no longer saw a need to play nice, even though their last job had been something like ten years ago. “And since you’ve yet to drop a single dime for my hire, maybe you should shut your face for a minute and be thankful for my help. I’m less than one more complaint away from stopping this car and booting you out that door over there.” He gave a steady nod to the passenger side door. “And good luck finding your way anywhere, much less your wife or back to LA after that.”

Anthony sat quiet for a moment, the muscles in his chest bunching, his fists itching to finally take that swing. His rage had been building for just over two weeks, and every time he sought to unleash it, he was forced to tug that rage back into submission.

Soon, asshole. Save it all for Emilia. I’ll have my moment soon.

Yes. He’d lose this deadbrain, then get everything. All the money he’d worked so hard to gather, all the money she would get back for him, and all that glorious revenge.

“Have it your way.” He took a slow breath and turned to peer out the window and scowl at the rows and rows of shitty suburban houses outside.

For now, he’d play along, his fury heating his belly like a slow simmering pot seconds from boiling over. This crony had one good credit to his name. He’d helped Anthony find Emilia that first time she’d tried to run from him. Far be it from him to get in the way of history repeating.

And until history did repeat, he’d find comfort in something else.

“Just get me to my wife.” He drew a sharp breath, resting his mind on the surprise hidden in his overnight bag on the backseat. His Glock 1911 and a box full of bullets.
