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“I toldyou I can get to work on my own.”

Despite last night being one heck of a cozy affair, Emilia found herself in a bad mood this morning. Mostly because the reality of her new life was kicking in. And that reality sucked.

“And I told you, you’re not going anywhere by yourself until we hear back from LA.”

Yep, they’d been at this for hours, and now Blaine marched by her side into Aggie’s nursery, his hand hooked around her elbow because he refused to step away until he saw her safely delivered. Seriously, this guy could quit being a carpenter and start up his own courier service.

“What’s happening here?” Aggie approached, her hands planted on her hips, a firm glower pointed at Blaine.

He paused his nursery-storming mission for a moment, though the grip on Emilia’s arm did not stop. “Let’s just say, I have very real concerns for Emilia’s safety and am doing something about it.”

“Hmph.” Aggie’s face lit up, and her gaze switched between Emilia and Blaine. “Must be love. Gets some men all territorial.”

She shrugged and threw Emilia a cheeky wink.

“Yeah, well.” Emilia wriggled, elbowing Blaine in the ribs so he’d let go. “This one takes territorial to a whole other level. You might not want to get too close. He might try to bite, angry lion style.”

“Emilia.” Her name was a low growl in his throat. It pointed out the truth of this matter, that he’d shown grace in not letting Aggie into the specifics, and Emilia was pushing her luck with her sarcastic jokes.

Well, what did he expect? That she’d be happy to be caught in the middle of operation "Save Emilia from Anthony"? Aside from the new rules to her life, there was a real shame that went with having to admit she even needed those rules.

“Okay. Fine. Fine.” She shook him off, taking a decent-sized step away. “I’m here now, can you relax?”

He glared toward Aggie. “The only reason I’m letting her come in today is that I know you keep a big old rifle somewhere around here, and you know how to use it.”

Aggie rocked on her heels, seeming mighty proud of herself. “You betcha, and that’s just the weapon you know about.”

This time her wink was directed at Blaine, who jolted a little before his expression lightened some. “Good, then don’t let this one out of your sight, not until Ally comes by to pick her up this afternoon.”

He pointed at Emilia and shook his head, not saying another word to her before leaving for his truck.

“I know Blaine’s bein’ heavy handed, but he’s right, ya know.” Aggie stepped closer and put her arm through Emilia’s, patting her sleeve as she coaxed her along. “We can’t have you living out in that cottage alone and not knowing how to defend yourself.”

“I don’t think there’s enough time for me to pick up martial arts, Aggie.”

The old lady chuckled. “There’s also not enough time for me to get you a gun, either, but knives… knives, oh ya, we can do those. Did you follow the instructions in that little package I had delivered to you the other day?”

Emilia felt her eyes pull wide, fully aware Aggie was asking whether she’d hidden that weird bundle of knives around the cottage. “I thought you were joking.”

Aggie sighed and shook her head, leading Emilia to the back of the nursery and a wall of stacked hay bales. “You just stay right here, dear. I’ll be right back.”

That afternoon, when Emilia finally made it to Ally’s car, Aggie leaned into the passenger side and imparted a few final words.

“Now don’t look at me like I fell outta the silly tree or something. You do exactly as I told ya, okay? Put those knives in places you’ll reach easy if someone breaks in.” Aggie pointed to Ally. “And you be sure to help Miss Emilia too.”

Ally turned to Emilia and mouthed the words, “What the heck?”

After the last twenty-four hours, Emilia lacked the energy to explain. Not about the knives, especially not about her overly possessive ex-husband, and certainly not the absurdity that had been Aggie, running her through exercises that involved stabbing and throwing knives at the nursery’s hay bales. Seriously, what a day.

Granted, the woman’s skill level was way above that of a stereotypical feeble old lady, but still, Emilia just wanted to get home and get ready for the soiree. Getting prettied up for a good night out sure beat focusing on just how disastrous her life was.

By the time she and Ally got into her cottage and distributed knives, the two were in near hysterics, which made getting dressed and applying makeup all the harder.

“Fer cute! Blaine’s gonna faint when he sees you in your costume.” Ally adjusted the strap of Emilia’s rose-pink dress, then stepped back to glance over the full-length, sheath-cut gown.

“I hope not.” Emilia winked, careful not to disturb the multi-colored crystals pressed to her cheeks. “I’d like him to stay conscious.”
