Page 1 of Sweet Tooth

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Chapter One



Sugar wasn’t good for dogs. It wasn't good for wolves, either, but when changing back into my human form, it was the only thing that could calm me down. So after one of the worst shifts I’ve ever had, I limped back to the house, took a quick shower, then threw on something presentable before heading into town.

A mix of nutmeg, cinnamon, and vanilla wafted in my direction as soon as I passed through the bakery doors. The ceiling fans overhead did very little for the late autumn heat which had already ravaged my hair. I probably looked like I was in a fight with my hair dryer or mauled by a wolf. Then again, considering the night I’d just had, the last one was pretty accurate.

Not the mauled part, mind you, but definitely the wolf. Coming off a shift was unpleasant, not because of the physical change but because of the mental instability I experienced afterward. My shifts left me agitated with a sense of loneliness I couldn’t explain. One that, according to my pack, shouldn’t have existed.

Their reassurances and light dismissal didn’t help. Neither did their empty apologies or hugs. But coming here? Now?

I instantly relaxed, then went in search of the delicious morsel that would make me whole. Like a wolf in a child’s cartoon, I floated toward the glass case surrounding the baked goods. My mouth salivated as I eyed the frosted cupcakes, pies, and tarts. But when I scented the air again, all I smelled was her.

With strawberry pink hair and bits of ink spiraling up her arm, she matched the cupcakes sitting behind the counter. And I wanted to see more of her. Her smile. Her eyes. I didn’t care so long as it was about her.

Which terrified the crap out of me because I’d never felt this way before. Not about my family, my high school sweetheart, or the girl I took to prom.

There was something about this beauty that had me feeling backwards, and I had no idea what to do.Should I go up and introduce myself? Do I leave?

Busy chatting up another customer, the other woman smiled in my direction and motioned for me to wait. My wolf stirred, anxious to meet this new creature that had suddenly caught my interest.

From where I stood, I could almost make out the color of her eyes. However, as soon as I leaned in to get a better look, she turned away. My wolf stirred, enjoying our game of cat and mouse when, in reality, all I wanted was my food.

That’s what I kept telling myself, anyway, but as soon as the gentleman in front of me left, that possibility followed him right out the door.

Heart in my throat, I slowly approached the counter, took a deep breath, then studied her again.

Brown irises met mine, causing me to stumble across the clean floor.

“Mornin’,” she said once I regained my balance.

Heat rushed into my cheeks the longer I stared at her. “Hi.” My voice didn’t sound nearly as cheerful as hers. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in here before.”Smooth. Real smooth.

“Oh.” She released a musical laugh, then extended her arm. “I’m Kate. I’m filling in for Nora while she’s out.”

“Olivia.” I took her hand in mine and immediately jumped from the bit of static electricity that leaped between us.

“Sorry.” She offered me a sheepish grin, then pulled her hand away. “Nora is my godmother.”

“Your godmother?” Nora never mentioned having a goddaughter before.

“Mm-hmm. She’ll be out for a few weeks because of her knee replacement, so I’m filling in until then.” Kate blew a stray tendril of hair from in front of her eyes. The beautiful smile never left her face.

A knee replacement?That didn’t sound right at all.Wolves don’t need replacements.Especially not after a full moon. If anything, the shift should’ve left her more energized.

“I’m sorry,” I said once I wrapped my head around everything. “I didn’t realize she was sick.”

“It isn’t bad right now,” Kate assured me while running a cloth across the counter, “but they wanted to get ahead of it. She can’t be baking with a bum knee, you know?”

I could only imagine.

“So, what’ll it be?”

Still confused as to why Nora would leave her shop to someone else, I didn’t quite get what Kate had said. “Hmm?”

“What are you into?” Kate asked while using the same light tone as before. “Sweet. Tart. Flaky with butter or cream?”
