Page 2 of Sweet Tooth

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“Oh!” I ran a hand through my blonde hair and released a long breath. “Flaky sounds amazing, but I had my heart set on something sweet.”

“Chocolate, salted caramel, vanilla?” Kate lifted an eyebrow, which made her even more attractive to my wolf. A smile played on her lips as she gestured at the board of options hanging behind her.

“Oh, sorry.” I shook my head in apology, then stepped aside so the older woman who’d just walked in could place her order.

Will you chill out? You’re distracting me.My wolf kept flicking her tail behind my ear.

My wolf whimpered, hesitated a moment, then returned to my subconscious, stirring momentarily once we moved up the line.

“If you can’t choose,” Kate began, “I can pick something out for you. These are our pumpkin spice cupcakes.” She pointed to a large cupcake with a swirl of white cream on top. “They’re sweet with a touch of cinnamon. We also have lemon, carrot, and such like that if you want something light.” She then gestured to each of them in turn.

“I’m pretty sure they all have the same amount of calories.” I winced inwardly at my lame joke.

“Some can leave you feeling fuller than others.” There was that smile again, and damn if it didn’t do funny things to my stomach.

I felt like a kid on a roller coaster, but my feet were on the ground. “Mmm.” I leaned in just enough so I could scent the air. The cinnamon and clove called to me, as did the woman’s sweet scent. Much like the baked goods under the counter, she was something I’d love to have.

“Now who’s turn is it to behave?”my wolf teased in the back of my mind.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, then pointed to a plain cupcake with vanilla frosting and a touch of sprinkles on top. “I think I’ll start with that one and go from there.”

Kate grabbed a napkin, collected the cake I’d picked out, then placed it on a small dish which she took from a shelf behind her. “Do you want it for here or to go?”

“Here!” The desperation in my voice didn’t worry me half as much as my wolf’s throaty growl.

“Here you go. That’ll be $3.50.”

Digging through my pockets, I gave her my five, then took the cake and turned away in hopes of regaining my composure. Most of the patrons entering the shop left just as quickly, so there was plenty of room for me to sit down. But to keep my sanity and not scare Kate away, I picked the table closest to the door and front windows.

The distance didn’t help. While Kate divided her time between the back of the bakery and working behind the register, I simply sat there and stared. At her pale skin, the darker roots of her hair, and the way her ringlets bounced whenever she stepped. Everything about her was enticing, and yet, there I sat with a tiny vanilla cupcake, unable to eat it.

What is this?I wondered as I tried to busy myself with the wrapper on my treat. I’d never felt like this around anyone else before. At first, I thought it might’ve been because of my sweet tooth, but now that I’d sat down, I couldn’t stop watching her.

Her body bent at the waist as she wiped down a shelf behind the counter. That’s when a gentle hum reached my ears. Unfamiliar to me, the sweet melody was still enough to make my heart swell. However, it wasn’t until Kate walked into the back of the shop when I realized the beautiful sound had been coming from her.

Who are you?I wanted to ask, but that wasn’t something we wolves could do. We knew our mates as soon as we met them, and just like every wolf before me, I knew mine.

He was a good wolf and would make a wonderful alpha someday, but he wasn’t for me. I’d told my folks this, of course, but much like my empty feeling after a shift, none of them believed me. Or at least not enough to give up on tradition.

Staring at my cupcake, I wasn’t sure if I should inhale it in one go or take the tiniest bite known to wolfkind. Scarfing it down would get me out of the bakery and save me from further embarrassment, but if I left…

I’ll be leaving her.

Which shouldn’t have been that big of a deal. I’d visited this shop numerous times in the past.

So what made her so special? Was it because she was new? Was it her hair? Maybe it was because of the ink she had on her arm.

Regardless of the reason, my question still stood.Stay or go?

Neither option was ideal, but leaving now almost felt like it would’ve been an insult to her.

So against my better judgment, I took my first nibble of that delicious cupcake and waited. If I waited long enough, maybe she’d notice. Maybe she’d come over and offer me a drink.

I shook my head, ridding myself of the thought completely. I had no right obsessing over her like this. I shouldn’t have been obsessing over anything at all. I had the pack’s livelihood to consider. We had to finish the grocer’s roof before the next storm, which considering the fact we were in the middle of August, would be really soon.

I can’t afford distractions,I told myself as I ate what was left of my cake.Which means I shouldn’t be here.

The chair beneath me groaned as I pushed it out from under the table. A second later, Kate wished me well, then offered me a kind wave as I neared the bakery doors.

Usually, when I left the bakery, I was in a much better mood.

So why didn’t I feel that way now?
