Page 32 of Sweet Tooth

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“Just water, please. I’ve had more than enough sugar today.”

Nodding, I rushed upstairs to get the supplies we needed, then finally relaxed. As much as I could, anyway, being so close to her.

“So you’ve lived in this house your entire life?” Kate asked once she put a slice of pepperoni on her plate.

“I have.”

“I moved around a lot. I think we moved four times by the time I was five, but I don’t remember most of it.”

“Man, that sucks. Was it because of the cost?”

“And because my mom couldn’t find enough work. As the cost of living went up, we moved again, and again, and again.”

“But you’re happy where you are now, aren’t you?”

“It’s okay,” she said with a sigh, “but it could be better. It could always be better.” Kate folded her slice of pizza, then took her first bite. As she did, her shoulders dropped. “Oh, man, you weren’t kidding. It really is the sauce.”

“It can treat all ailments.”

“Even my sore feet?” Kate toed off her shoes, then folded her legs underneath of her.

“I don’t know if I’d rub the sauce on them or anything, but sure.”

Kate snorted, then hid her face in her hand. “It wouldn’t feel too good, either.”

“Probably not.”

“Seeing as it’s squishy and all.” She made a squishing sound and scrunched her face. “Thank you for doing this, by the way. I didn’t realize how much I’ve been pushing myself until you invited me out.”

“I could tell it was wearing on you,” I said between bites of pizza, “but I figured it wasn’t my place.”

“I push myself harder than I should. It’s one of the many flaws I have. My mom might be against me baking as a profession, but I get in my way as much as she does.”

“Because you’re a perfectionist?”

“And because I’m always afraid of doing something wrong. It’s a curse, and I haven’t quite figured out how to work around it. I know how to do things. I’ve done them dozens of times before, but I still doubt my abilities every single time. Working here these last few weeks has helped, but then I’m still pushing too hard.

I’m following Nora’s routine the best I can, which is very different from my own. I don’t mind opening early or anything like that, but working for almost twelve hours at a time is a bit much.”

“Nora’s been doing it for years. She’s used to the long hours whereas you are not.”

“They’re big shoes to fill, that’s for sure.”

“Well, hopefully you won’t have to do it much longer.” My heart sank as I spoke. “I didn’t mean it like that. I want you to be here. I like having you here.”

“I knew what you meant,” she said before I could say anything else. “Looks like I’m not the only one who worries.”

“Far from it. Being an older sister, I tend to hover more than I should. So if I ever invade your personal space, let me know.”

“You haven’t. Yet.” Was she teasing me?

“How about now?” I asked as I leaned in closer to her.


I set my pizza aside, then placed my hand on hers. “Now?”

Kate shook her head, finished the bit of pizza she had left, then put her plate to the side as well. “You’re gonna have to do better than that.”

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