Page 48 of Sweet Tooth

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Once we were alone, Kate’s heart rate quickened.

I’m sorry,I whimpered while licking the back of her hand.I didn’t mean to scare you. I just couldn’t let him go on like that.Though, looking back, I could’ve handled things better. Joined him outside. Something.

Not fight in front of her.

“Is it true?” Kate asked while cautiously stroking the fur between my ears. “Were you really protecting me?”

My tail tapped the floor behind us as she gently massaged the muscles along my scruff.

“Does it hurt?”

Not terribly, no.I nosed her hand, then opened my mouth in a wolfish grin when she did it again.

“Looks like I get to meet your wolf before I leave after all. She’s very pretty.”

You’re just saying that.My pelt wasn’t as thick as everyone else.

“So, when I talk to you now, is it you who answers or her?” Kate leaned forward so she could study my eyes. My big, bright golden eyes.

Both?I wasn’t exactly sure how to respond to that.

“I’m sorry about what I said earlier. I wasn’t afraid of you, I was just…”

Afraid.I whined, then licked her chin.It’s okay.It wasn’t like I could blame her.

“I’ve never seen anyone shift before. Not even Nora, though I have seen her wolf in the past. Is it always that quick?”

I shook my head.It’s usually a lot worse.No doubt I’d be feeling the effects of my change once I turned back.

“So what do we do now?”

“Spend time with her,” Nora said as she rounded the corner, her arms full of blankets and pillows. “And try to stick to yes and no questions if you can. It can get complicated if you don’t.”

“Can you tell what she’s thinking?” Kate asked. “Or what she’s trying to tell me?”

“Sorry,” Nora apologized while placing the pile of bedstuffs on the kitchen table. “I’m afraid it doesn’t work that way. When wolves communicate in their pelts, we do so through body language and flashes of light behind our eyes. It’s like a fire that goes in and out depending on our emotions. So aside from the occasional whimper, you’re better off watching Liv’s ears and tail.”

“Oh. Okay.” Kate’s shoulders dropped.

“Don’t get too discouraged. It isn’t every day a wolf shifts in front of a human. It’s illegal in a lot of states, so the fact Liv changed with you in the same room means a lot. What you do with that much respect and trust is up to you.”

Nora hovered a moment more, then leaned in and kissed the top of Kate’s head. “I’ll be upstairs if you need me. And you,” Nora began, wagging a finger at me, “be good. Get some rest. You can tell her how you feel tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow?” Kate asked as Nora turned to go.

“Chances are, Liv will change back once she’s had some rest.”

“And if not?” Kate looked between us.

“Then we’ll discuss it in the morning. Goodnight.”


I whimpered at Nora, then slowly got to my feet.

“Hey, take it slow,” Kate said when I stumbled a bit. “There’s no hurry. We can stay right here if you need us to.”

On the hard floor?I glanced at the tiles beneath my paws, then tested my weight and took another step.I’ll be fine,I thought while nuzzling Kate’s arm.We just have to get down the steps.

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