Page 49 of Sweet Tooth

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The very long, narrow, swinging steps.

Were they swinging? I couldn’t tell. But once Kate gathered the blankets on the kitchen table, I started toward the basement.

One step.


The floor underneath me shifted, threatening to throw me sideways, right into the wall. Taking a breath, I calmed my nerves and focused on the plush carpeting at the bottom of the steps.

Likely sensing my hesitation, Kate spoke. “It’s okay. Take it slow.”

Okay,I told my wolf.We can do this. Just one paw in front of the other. Left. Right.



My paw slipped. Nausea climbed up the back of my throat.

I don’t know when I closed my eyes, but when I opened them, I was at the bottom of the stairwell.

“Liv!” Kate hurried down the stairs, taking two at a time. “I guess that’s one way to do it,” she said while lifting my head with her hand. “Are you okay?”

I managed a soft whimper, then got up with her help.

“You look drunk. Can wolves get drunk?” She shook her head if only to herself, then deposited the bedding onto the sofa to her right. “We can rest here. It has a bed and everything. It’s where I’ve been staying most nights. Nora has a guest room, but I don’t want to wake her up when I go out so…” Kate gestured at the sofa with its current mountain of blankets and pillows and smiled.

Nora’s basement was rather small. Aside from a few fixtures and a very old television, the only things left were the pull out sofa, an end table, and remote. Still, it could’ve been a lot worse.

If not for Nora’s kindness, I would’ve had no choice but to spend the evening with my folks. My mom was probably worried sick. Dustin too.

As for my dad, I hoped a good night’s rest would calm him down.

“Sorry if I made things weird,” Kate said, oblivious to my thoughts. “I’m a little nervous. Not because of you being a wolf or anything, but because I’ve never done this before. Do I sleep on the bed or do you? Is there a rule?”

Oh Kate.What I wouldn’t have done to take her in my arms. She was so gentle. So innocent.


There were no rules against a human and a wolf sharing a bed with each other. It might’ve been a bit strange considering the fact wolves in their pelts looked a lot like dogs, but Kate didn’t treat me that way. I was her friend. Her equal. Which meant we could share the same space without an issue.

Standing to the side, I looked from Kate to the sofa, then back again. Once I had her attention, I bit one of the blankets and dragged it onto the floor.

“The floor?” Kate’s brow furrowed.

I shook my furry mane, let out a playful growl, then took off another blanket, followed by a pillow.

“Oh, you want the bed. Right. Of course.” Kate pretended to hit herself in the head, then took care of the sofa before placing the blankets and pillows on top of it.

With everything in place, I jumped up, then pawed at her hand.

“What? Do you need a snack? Would you like me to tuck you in?” She was teasing me, of course, but I didn’t care. Not so long as she looked at me like that, as though I were the only person (or wolf) for her. “I’m going to go brush my teeth and get changed,” she said while rummaging in a red duffel bag by the wall. “Think you can handle things until I get back?”

I glanced around the room, then dipped my head.

“I’ll take that as a yes. Be right down.” With her clothing in hand, Kate ruffled the fur between my ears, then went back upstairs.

Alone in Nora’s basement, I nosed the blankets and pillows into place, then gently lay down. Knowing Kate would be back soon, I kept to one side of the bed but high enough on the mattress so I could use one of the pillows. It wasn’t like I took up that much room, anyway, but the more space Kate had to move around, the better.
