Page 51 of Sweet Tooth

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“It’s okay,” she soothed, stilling me before I could get up. “Unless you’re uncomfortable.” She hesitated a moment, then started to pull away.

“No.” I placed my hands on hers.

“Then what is it?”

“Scars.” The word came out in a low, near silent whisper. One of which I thought she couldn’t hear.

But even as the word left my lips, she drew back and traced one of the deeper ones across the middle of my back.

“I thought wolves were fast healers,” she said, her voice a mix of confusion and concern.

“We are, but for whatever reason, our skin never recovers.”

“Do they hurt?” she asked once she put her arms around me again.

“Sometimes if I scratch too hard.” Which as a wolf was easy to do.

“Are they from work or…” Kate trailed off, then kissed behind my ear.

“You know, it’s hard to concentrate when–”

My breath hitched. Ice tingled across my skin as she ran her fingers up and down my arms.

“I should probably get dressed,” I said as I slowly leaned into her.

“You could,” she began, her words shaking a bit at the end, “or you could stay here with me.”

“Hmm.” Holding her arms close to my chest, I leaned my head back just enough so I could rest it on her shoulder.

Safely tucked in her arms, I couldn’t tell if I was floating above the bed or falling through the floor. One second, I was panicking, and the next, nothing. No fear. No anxiety.

Nothing but her.

Above me, Kate dipped her head, trailing feather-light kisses along the side of my neck. If I was looking for a reason to stay before, I had one now. And it wasn’t just because of her kindness or affection, either.

“I usually have a bad comedown when I change back.” I placed a hand on the nape of her neck, then pulled her in for an upside-down kiss.

“But?” She let out a quiet moan and smiled against my lips.

“You are my cure.”

Kate made a sound of approval, then kissed me back. Hard.

If she said anything after that, I didn’t hear her.

With Kate’s lips pressed against mine and my heart racing as fast as it could go, I found myself falling for her all over again. Not because of her pink hair or the sweets she offered but because of everything else.

She didn’t have to let me in. She could’ve turned me away as soon as I came out.

After last night, she’d been scared. If she’d asked me to leave, I would’ve done it for her.

Only she never did.

Against all odds, she let me in. Kate accepted me.Allof me. And now, as I sank in her arms, I realized just how badly I needed her to stay.


* * *
