Page 60 of Sweet Tooth

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One step.


Every step I took felt as heavy as the last.

All the while, their footsteps thundered behind me, slapping on the sidewalk as they neared the street.

We aren’t going to make it,I thought as I turned the corner.

They were right behind me!

“Stop. It isn’t safe.”

That voice.

That wonderful, soft, musical voice.


I couldn’t believe it.

No,I corrected myself as my legs threatened to go out from underneath of me.It isn’t real.

Sheisn’t real.

I was tired. Delirious. I was hearing things that weren’t there.

Hidden in a dark alley with my back pressed against a wall, I’d somehow managed to corner myself between my pursuer and my way home.

“She’s here.”My wolf didn’t feel nearly as anxious as I did then.“Trust her.”

No, she isn’t.I held back a whimper, blinking the darkness away from my vision so I could focus on the silhouette of the human who’d followed after me. Maybe if I looked at them hard enough, they’d feel intimidated and leave.

Determined now, I hunched my shoulders, bristled my fur, and growled. The sound never made it past my lips.

The human was also undeterred.

Small and possibly female, they weren’t her. I couldn’t smell Kate, couldn’t see her, and–

The human took a step, followed by another, holding her hands out toward me as she did.

Nerves knotted in my stomach. My heart lodged itself somewhere in the back of my throat. My instincts told me to run, but with the human blocking my path, I knew I didn’t have the strength to fight back.

So I gave in. I did the one thing wolves weren’t supposed to do.

I let her get close.

This is it,I thought with a whine.This is how it ends.

All because my wolf couldn’t wait another day to see our mate.

Oh god.What if Kate heard about this? She’d be devastated knowing I was so close.

She’ll blame herself.She’d blame herself for ever getting involved.

“Shhh.” The human was closer now, their voice kind and soft. “It’s okay. Everything’s okay.”

Her voice was familiar, but then, my mind was also playing games. Out of all the people who could’ve seen me in this city, not one of them was her.
