Page 61 of Sweet Tooth

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Kate was shy and quiet. She’d said so herself, and yet…

Kate?I lifted my gaze and let out a low whimper.

The human stopped, as though they were shocked to hear such a sound, then ran at me so fast that all I could do was cower.


Oh my god, it is you!

I wagged my tail as it was the only thing I could move.

“What the hell are you doing here?” she asked. “You’re going to get yourself killed.” She placed a hand on my shoulder, then glanced the way she came. “Come on. Let’s get you off the streets.”

And go where?Someone was bound to see me as soon as we reached the sidewalk.

“The fire escape. Up there.” Kate gestured at a rickety black staircase leading up behind one of the buildings. “Unless you’d like to stay down here,” she said when I didn’t get up.

We need to move,I told my wolf with as much urgency as I could.

“So tired.”

Please. I need your help. We’ll put Kate in danger if we don’t.

That got my wolf’s attention enough to get me on all fours. Once I did, I leaned on Kate and followed her toward the fire escape. The stairs screeched as she pulled them down. She held them in place as I climbed. A sliding glass door stood in my way, which Kate quickly opened.

Once inside, she closed the door and blinds behind us.

“Wait here,” she said. “I’m going to grab some water.”

I’m glad she knew what to do because, in that moment, I was too tired to think much less do anything else.

Cabinets opened and closed down the hall to my left, followed by the sound of running water. When Kate returned, she set a bowl on the floor and offered me what I assumed were her leftovers.

Thankful for her help, I nuzzled her arm, then drained what was in the bowl before collapsing beside her.

“What are you doing all the way out here?” she asked while absently stroking my fur. “I tried to call you once I got in but there was no answer. I figured it was because of the full moon, but I never expected you to show up here. You’re crazy. You know that, right?” She let out a nervous laugh, then leaned in and placed her head on my shoulder.

I had to see you.

“I guess I can’t be that angry with you, what with you putting your life in danger and everything.” Kate kissed the space between my ears, then got to her feet. “Are you coming?” she asked as she neared the far side of the living room.

I lifted my head, then put it down again.

“That bad, huh?” Kate frowned, then headed down the hall to my right. “That just means we’ll be camping out here,” she said while dumping an armload of blankets and pillows beside me.

I’m sorry.Coming here sounded like a good idea at first, only now, considering how much trouble Kate had gone to, I wasn’t so sure.Shouldn’t you be asleep?

“It’s late,” Kate said. “We should get some rest.” She offered me a warm smile, checked the locks on the door to the fire escape, then lay on the floor with me. “It’s okay. You’re safe.” Her breath tickled my ear as she spoke. “Rest now. We can talk about everything else tomorrow.”

I wanted to stay up with her. I wanted to let her know why I came. However, as she draped her arm and the covers around me, all I could do was let out a low whimper and close my eyes.

I made it.

With my wolf’s help, I’d found my way to her.
