Page 29 of We Will Rule

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I wake up the next morning in a warm cocoon and sleepily blink my eyes open. They widen when I see Ezra sleeping in the armchair, one arm under his head and a leg thrown over the arm. What is he doing here? There’s a scattering of bottles on the coffee table, so it seems he was here a while. Sawyer stirs behind me, and his arm tightens around my waist.

“Are you awake?” I whisper, not wanting to wake either of them if he’s not. A quiet noncommittal hum vibrates into my hair, and I smile. “You’ve been bonding.”

“Something like that,” he mumbles back in a gravelly sleep-coated voice. “What time is it?” I snake an arm out from the duvet and tap my phone screen so it lights up with the time. It also shows a few missed messages and calls, but I’m in no rush to check them.

“Eight thirty. I slept for ages.”

“Duh. There’s no waking you once you’re out.” I wonder if he’ll ever realize it’s only with him, the only person so far I’ve trusted enough to slip into a deep sleep with. Nights are rough on my own. “Have you got work today?”

“No, I swapped with Fleur. I’ll do her shift tomorrow.” Ezra wakes up then, slowly blinking his eyes open against the light and realizing I’m awake.

“Morning, Sleeping Beauty,” he says with a slow-growing grin that feels like the sun coming out. I can’t help but grin back at him. He fills me with a sappy glow. “How are you feeling?”

I was slightly worried he’d be irritated at having to wait for our date, because most men I’ve seen haven’t appreciated waiting for sex, but he doesn’t seem to be. It also makes me feel awkward that I make such a big deal about my period, but honestly, it knocks me for six every damn month. Plus, being abandoned by an addict parent can make you paranoid about taking medication, even if it’s only painkillers.

“Better, thanks. What are you doing here?”

“I came to check on you last night, and then Sawyer begged me to stay and keep him company.”

“As if,” Sawyer drawls from behind me, neither of us having sat up yet, and Ezra fights a smirk at the reaction. I love that they became friends so fast, even before I met Ezra, and it’s not awkward for my date to be sitting across from where Sawyer is essentially spooning me. That should be awkward, right? Not for much longer, though, because Sawyer drops a light kiss to the back of my neck and then rolls away, stretching with a big yawn. I can’t help the way my eyes fall closed when his lips press against my skin, and when I open them, Ezra’s gaze hits me.

“I need to get my shit together,” Sawyer declares. “I’ve got work. Do you want to skip our session today?” Sawyer climbs over me and stands, and I work hard to keep the saliva inside my mouth. He is something else, and his gray sweatshorts show off his tanned, chiseled muscles to perfection. Thankfully, I think he’s blocking me from Ezra’s view, so Ezra doesn’t catch me checking him out.

“I shouldn’t. Gentle exercise is good for cramps, apparently,” I whine. I’ve never found these benefits true, even when I do manage to convince myself to do it. Sawyer chuckles as he heads to the shower, and I stretch and sit up, meeting Ezra’s gaze again. “Did you have a good night? Sorry about our date.”

“Yeah, Sawyer’s a cool guy. Don’t be sorry, we’ll do it soon. Don’t think you’re getting out of it.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it.” I grin back at Ezra, who stands and stretches, showing enough of his impressive abs himself that I nearly drool for the second time in two minutes. When I pull my eyes back to his, he’s smirking down at me. “Good. Thought I’d been outdone there for a second.” I frown in confusion, my brain not working so early, and he leans down to kiss me. Just a light peck on the lips saves me from morning breath embarrassment, and he’s off toward the door. “I’ve got a half-day today. Want me to come keep you company later?”

“I’d like that,” I call after him as he waves and leaves. I reach for my phone and catch up on my messages while Sawyer showers, and then jump in after him, even though I’m definitely planning to put on some fresh pajamas for the day. Maybe I’ve decided against the workout already...

I join Sawyer in the kitchen as he’s pouring coffee, one in a thermos for him and one in a mug for me, which he hands over.

“You’re the best. Thank you.”

“Knew you wouldn’t make a workout this morning. I’ll see you later, okay? Relax. Get some rest.”

I nod as I tentatively sip my drink, the scalding heat not putting me off the first taste. Sawyer grabs his bag and opens the door to Nico, hand poised to knock, and both guys jump.

“Shit, sorry,” Nico says, and I’m surprised to see him.

“No worries, man, I’m just heading out.” Sawyer steps past him and leaves, and I join Nico at the door.

“Hey,” I say curiously. I’m not sure he’s even been here before, other than to drop me off out the front.

“Hey. How are you feeling?”

“Not bad, thanks. Sorry for bailing yesterday.”

“It’s fine, you didn’t even have much longer left.” That was true, but I hate leaving someone to close up alone. “I wanted to drop this round for you.” He holds out a takeaway cup and a box, which I stare at dumbly for way too long. “It’s your usual.” He says that like it’s not a big deal, but I’m pretty sure that means a caramel latte and a slice of banana cake from the café, and if there could be love hearts in my eyes right now, there would be. I finally take them from him.

“Wow! Thank you. You really didn’t need to do that. Did you want to come in?”

“No, it’s okay. I’ve got class in between the split, but I’ll see you.” With that and a smile, he’s off, leaving me blinking after him for a moment. That was odd. But in a good way. I take my goodies back inside and put them next to the mug of coffee Sawyer made me. Physical representations of how two of the guys I have unreciprocated feelings for still care for me. It might not be how I would prefer to have them in my life, but this is pretty damn nice anyway.
