Page 60 of We Will Rule

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“Yes way, Harlow!” She narrows her eyes, and I can see her mind working.

“How bad is the damage?” Sawyer asks.

“I’m not sure, honestly. I don’t think it’s too bad.”

“Stand up,” he directs, and he does the same. “Can you get this off?” he asks, gesturing toward my loose T-shirt. I manage to pull it over my head with my good arm and catch Ezra and Harlow whispering when I resurface.

“What are you two plotting?”

Harlow’s eyes catch mine, and she answers too quickly. “Nothing.”

Sawyer pokes and prods at my torso and arm while I hiss and take deep breaths when he says to. Harlow disappears, and I hear her come back as Sawyer finishes checking me over.

“I can’t one-hundred-percent tell without X-rays, but I don’t think anything’s broken. I think you’re just badly bruised on your ribs, shoulder, and face. They’re going to look worse before they look better.”

“Yeah.” I’d guessed as much. “Thanks for that.” Sawyer nods his acceptance and I go to sit back down, but Harlow claps her hands.

“Let’s go, then.”

“Thanks for coming—”

“You too,” she interrupts.


“Nico.” She says my name in the exact tone I just said hers, and I try not to smirk. “I mean, I have all of your school stuff here, so if you wanna go back to normal tomorrow then you should probably come with us.” She smirks, and my mouth drops at her casual declaration of blackmail.

“You little—”

“You can hardly fight me for it, can you?” she says sweetly, but I can still see the upset in her eyes.

“Even fully healed, I’d like to see him try,” Sawyer mutters to Ezra. He gestures for me to follow. “Come on, dude. I’m starving.”

“I can drive,” Ezra says as he grabs my keys from the counter. “Go grab some clothes. We’ve got to make a move before the Guards get out from their event.” He holds his app up to me to show the coast is clear, and I’m torn. I don’t want to stall them and make them run into the Guards, and also, I wouldn’t hate being closer to Harlow for a bit, but it doesn’t seem like a good idea. In the end, it’s the silent pleading in her eyes that sways me.

“Fine. But only for one night,” I say.


When we’re settled back at their place and have eaten, I fidget on the sofa as my ribs remind me that I took a beating less than twenty-four hours ago. Sawyer notices, and after glancing to make sure Harlow isn’t in earshot, asks quietly, “You taken anything for that yet?”

“Nah, it’ll be fine,” I say. He rolls his eyes at my martyrdom and leaves but comes back quickly holding out a small container of pills.

“They’re good ones. I got them for gym injuries.”

“Thanks, man,” I say as I swallow two down.

“I’m gonna head to bed,” he says to us as Ezra and Harlow re-enter the living room. “Night, all.” He doesn’t hug Harlow, which seems odd to me—they’re always pretty tactile with each other.

“You can take my bed,” Harlow offers. “I’ll crash with Ezra.”

“No way. I’m not turfing you out,” I say. “I’ll have the sofa.”

“You need—”

“I’m fine, Harlow. I’ll be here either way,” I say as I lie down, feeling the pills taking effect already. I realize they really are the good ones as the room goes a bit wobbly. Ezra chuckles and mutters something about a stubborn-off, but things are fading too fast, and soon I feel like I’m asleep and dreaming.

A soft, warm weight lands on me, but I can’t lift my heavy eyelids to check it out. My exhaustion and pain have blissfully ebbed away, leaving only peace. I really like this stuff. I dream of a perfect blond angel, with kind eyes and a beautiful smile. She’s here for me. I hope this doesn’t mean I’m dying. There’s background noise, but I can only grasp certain bits. What does the angel want to say to me?As long as she knows you’re safe, you’re exactly where you need to be,the angel says. My mind floats.She does,I think loudly.She’s perfect. She’s mine. I think I love her.Then my mind drifts away, and there’s nothing left but relief.
