Page 61 of We Will Rule

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I’ve got a late-night tattoo booking tonight with a busy client, so I take advantage of the late start and arrange a gym session with Sawyer. We head back to shower and change, and then I meet him at his place because Sawyer’s making lunch, and that guy cancook. Nico finally stirs just as he’s plating up, and a minute later, his head pops up over the back of the sofa, hair sticking out in all directions.

“Hey, Sleeping Beauty,” I call out.

“Geez, those pills really knocked me out,” he says, rubbing his face as he sits up.

“Good though, aren’t they?” Sawyer adds, and Nico nods, standing and rolling his shoulder. “How’s it feeling?” he asks as Nico gently turns his torso.

“Not too bad.”

“They got you good, huh?” I say. The black eye and split lip are looking angrier today.

“Yeah. Three of them jumped me, the fucking cowards.” Sawyer puts two plates down on the bench and waves Nico over. He gingerly sits beside me. “They were wearing their colors, so I know it was them.”

“Get any good hits in?” Sawyer asks.

“Nope. Didn’t even see them coming until I went down.”

“You didn’t give us these details yesterday,” I point out.

“And let Harlow think I can’t handle myself? No thanks.” He’s only half joking, and I chuckle because I know the feeling.

“She has a way of making you want to impress her, doesn’t she?” He nods at my assessment, then realizes she’s still not joined us.

“Where is she, anyway?”

“At work,” Sawyer says. Awareness dawns on his face.

“Shit, I’m supposed to be there!”

“It’s okay, she covered for you.”

Nico grumbles and pats his empty pockets. “What’s the time? I’ll go take over.”

“Gone midday,” I tell him.

“Shit,” he repeats. “I swear I had an alarm set. Now I can’t find my phone.”

“Wouldn’t be surprised if she turned it off, although you probably would have slept through it anyway with that stuff,” Sawyer muses.

“She’s determined to look after me, isn’t she?”

“Yep. Even if you did spend five minutes going on about your girlfriend when she tucked you in for the night,” I tell him. I know it’s not really his fault, but I hated seeing the sad, hurt look on Harlow’s face. Giving him a little shit won’t hurt him. Sawyer looks surprised.

“Not cool, man,” he says, turning back to the stove.

“What?” Nico asks, perplexed.

“I know you were probably high as a kite, but still. She acts super tough, but she has strong feelings under all those layers of protection, and I think we all know she has them for you. So even if you don’t feel the same way, maybe simmer it down, yeah?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I don’t even have a girlfriend. I just let Harlow think that.”

“You’re a fucking asshole,” I say to him. What a dick. He has no idea how much he’s hurt her by doing that.

“Ezra, come on. I obviously have a good reason.” He tries to placate me, but I’m not having it.
