Page 67 of We Will Rule

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Harlow is quiet during our shift together, and I feel like an asshole for being so blunt with her yesterday, butgod. Knowing she was there unprotected, so close to the Guards and everything that goes with them, infuriates me. The fact that I couldn’t be there with her to protect her, that I couldn’t storm in there to get her, infuriates me even more.

As we go about our usual opening routines, she seems to avoid me as best she can in the small coffee shop. I don’t know if it’s just me, or if she seems sad in general. Maybe that’s wishful thinking—hoping it’s something other than my actions yesterday that made her feel this way.

“How are you feeling?” I ask her when we quieten down.

“I’m fine, why?” she asks.

“Just wondered if you might be hungover.”

“Oh. No, I’m fine. I didn’t drink that much. Thank you again for last night, and sorry we bothered you.”

“No worries, Harlow, and I mean it. If you need a lift again, call me. Okay? I’d rather know you got home safe than think you’d put yourself in a dangerous situation because you don’t want to ask for help.” She doesn’t look convinced, and I don’t blame her. “Really. I wasn’t annoyed at coming to get you, I was annoyed that you weren’t safe. Please, call me.”

“Okay,” she says. The bell on the counter rings, but before I turn to leave, she stops me. “Nico... why did you call yesterday? You called me, and I never found out why.”

What do I say to that? Because I missed you? Because I had an urge to hear your voice so strong I couldn’t stop myself? Thankfully, the bell rings again, saving me from having to answer.

“I should get that.”


Once again, I’m summoned to dinner with my father, and an uneasy feeling settles in my gut. Why has he called me back home so quickly? I can normally go weeks without having to be back here. At least my ribs have healed enough that I can move without flinching. If he finds out that the Guards beat the shit out of his own son, he’ll rain down hell on them, even if they had no idea who they were beating on.

“Where’s the shiner from?” he asks as soon as I’m seated.

“Someone caught me in the gym.”

“Oh, really?”


“Not someone in the running for Harlow, then?” Every muscle tightens with the reflex to defend, but I shut it down. The last thing I want is to have my father aware of how I feel about Harlow. And we haven’t even been served dinner yet. This night is going to drag.

“Why would it be about Harlow?” I ask.

“It’s okay, son. A father likes to know who his boy’s got eyes on.”

Shit. Somehow, he knows. I know he’s not just fishing this time. He’s too confident, and I was convinced I’d covered it well enough last time.

“Although I don’t blame you,” he adds, before letting out a low whistle. “She is gorgeous. That tight body. Bet she fucks like a porn star.”

My feigned nonchalance is out the window when I leap up and pin him to the back of his chair with a forearm against his throat.

“Keep her fucking name out of your mouth,” I growl. His eyes flash with fear, but that quickly morphs into excitement, and he chuckles.

“Okay, okay.” I let him go but don’t sit back down. “So there is a fighter in there after all, eh? Didn’t know what it would take to bring that fire out, but clearly, we’ve found her.”

“What does that mean?” I ask through gritted teeth, but he doesn’t answer, continuing as if I haven’t spoken.

“That’s all I want from you, son. Somepassion. Some fight to do what’s right. I want to protect us from the Guards, and I want my family by my side when I do it.” We both know that’s bullshit, but I don’t question him again, content to let him tell me what he wants while I rein my temper in.

I berate myself as I take my seat again. Iknewhe was trying to goad me, but it’s like my logical brain and my body’s reflexes were two separate things. “Sometimes protecting someone means doing things that we wouldn’t want our loved ones to do,” he continues. “Doing the hard things so they don’t have to. It’s maintaining order and making sure there’s nothing more powerful than us that could hurt them. The only way to maintain peace is by having the means to enforce it.”

I don’t know what crap he’s sprouting, but I want none of it. “If this is some bullshit scheme to get me to enter The Games, you’re wasting your theatrics. It’s always been the plan.”
