Page 78 of We Will Rule

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“Who is even doing it with you?” I ask.

“I’m in.” We all face Ezra, shock on our faces. “My girl is in, then I’m in. I won’t let you do this alone, Harlow.”

“No offense, but you might hold her back,” Sawyer jokes, lightening the tension. “She’s fucking epic. We’ve been preparing for this for years.”

“And I’m just a tattoo artist?” Ezra asks wryly. “Harlow isn’t the only one with hobbies. You?” he asks, turning to me, as if it’s that simple.

“Nico is brilliant,” Harlow adds, causing Ezra to frown.

“Hey, I didn’t get that faith.”

She laughs, blowing out a breath at the same time as the tension continues to ease.

“I’m glad you’re smiling again,” Sawyer says, leaning down to drop a kiss onto her lips. She doesn’t pull away and doesn’t look shocked at all. When did that happen?

“Are you two together now?” I ask before I even think.

“Kind of,” Harlow answers. “It’s... casual.”

“Is it?” Sawyer asks, looking half surprised and half pissed.

“Looked that way earlier,” she mutters, but I speak before Sawyer can, pointing between Harlow and Ezra.

“Are you two still together?” I ask.

“Wow, you have some explaining to do,” Ezra says with a grin to Harlow.

“Yes, thank you. Can we focus on one thing at a time?” she says.

“Yeah. The priority is how absurd this whole plan is,” I remind them.

“I don’t need your permission, Nico.”

“Good, because you won’t get it,” I say, my patience at an end.

“Dude, what’s your problem?” Sawyer grumbles. “You’re so worried about her, join us. Help her out.”

Is that why I’m so annoyed? Because what I want more than anything is to be able to defend this amazing girl, but I don’t have that choice. Knowing me puts her in more danger, and god forbid, if she makes it through to The Games, I may wind up fighting against her. How can I do that? I’m doing the right thing, distancing myself. I need to be strong to protect her and protect myself from blowback in the process. There’s complete silence, but Harlow tries to cover it.

“You don’t have to. You’ve already helped so much,” she says. Her eyes are full of defeat, and I wish I could change that, but there’s no way I can do what she’s asking of me. Not without painting an even bigger target on her back. Stepping forward, I cup her cheek before I can stop myself, touching her just one last time.

“Know that if I could, I would,” I whisper to her, “but I can’t. I’m so sorry. I’m out.” A frown mars her brow.

Dropping my hand, I grab my bag and head to the door. “I’ll see you around. Good luck.” I don’t turn back as I walk away from their apartment, likely for the last time.
