Page 27 of Centre Stage

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Chapter Sixteen


Luna laughedas Rhys rolled his eyes and she chatted with Jameson for a few minutes, feeling the weight of Declan’s eyes on her before Luna grabbed her arm, her mouth open as she sucked in a breath and mumbled something inaudible.

Andrea was worried Luna was unwell but then Rhys clarified that Luna was actually starstruck because one of the UK’s hottest rockstars, who had actually been born in Ireland but had moved to the UK with his English born aristocrat father and had become a hellraiser in the music scene.

And he happened to be one of Andrea’s clients.

Without saying anything, she turned around and put her fingers in her mouth, giving a very loud wolf whistle. The man in question turned around and grinned before surging forward, lifting her off her feet and kissing her hard on the mouth.

Andrea laughed and smacked him hard on the shoulder. “Let me down, you cretin. People will talk.”

Oliver Scott or Oli set her down and placed his hands on her hips. “People already talk about me, darling. You look fucking hot as hell.”

And so did Oli, who had given a massive FU to the black-tie and shown up with black skinny jeans, dirty boots, and a sleeveless tee that showed off his tattooed arms and neck. He also had an array of piercings and the lobes of his ears were stretched.

“Stop with the flattery and come and meet the band I’m currently managing. You go on tour next year, right?”

Oli chuckled, shaking his head. “Damn, woman do you ever have fun? Take a night off.”

“This is fun for me, Oli. We all can’t do full rock star and trash hotel rooms.”

Rolling his eyes, Oli groaned. “That was one time and if I remember correctly, being wasted and all, it was JJ who started it all.”

The JJ in question told Oli his memories were playing tricks on him in his old age, the two of them friends, since they had both, attended the same drama school.

They had walked up to the band now, where Luna was nearly passed out as Andrea introduced them and then shamelessly told Oli that she would be very upset if he didn’t invite the band on tour with him next year.

Oli glanced at the band, then zoned in on Luna. “Luna Sullivan, right? I’ve seen your socials. Sick videos. Even Milo was impressed.” Milo was Oli’s drummer and revered in the music industry.

Someone called Oli and he held up his hand in way of farewell. “Andi, call me next week and we can sort out what the story is with the tour.” He stopped middle of the floor and then grinned. “Or just call me, day or night. You should spend the night with me and forget all about the actor. You and me could have some wild times, Andi baby!”

JJ erupted with laughter as Andi flashed Oli the middle finger, and just rolled her eyes, ignoring the heated glare from Declan’s eyes. Andrea studied him for a minute, and she thought he looked devastating in his all black suit and shirt, the collar unbuttoned to reveal a flash of skin and it suited him because where JJ was refined elegance, Declan was wild masculinity and it was intoxicating.

The lights dimmed and the orchestra slowed the pace of the tempo and Andrea closed her eyes and sighed, relishing in the comfort as the band played the Fray’sLook after You.

“Shall we dance?”

Andrea opened her eyes slowly to see JJ holding out his hand to her and she slipped her hand into his and let him lead her to the dance-floor. JJ dropped his hands to her waist and Andrea in turn rested her palms on his wide shoulders. They swayed to the music, JJ looking down at her and Andrea knew they looked like any other couple to oblivious eyes, more people gathering around them to dance as well.

“Your Declan had a word with me.” JJ mused as he glided them along the dance-floor.

Andrea moved so that she could look over at the table the band was standing at and frowned to see Declan watching them. JJ’s hand slipped lower on her waist and she sighed as dragged her gaze away from Declan and back to JJ.

“What did he say?” she asked, not sure if she really wanted to hear it at all.

JJ spun her around, then leaned in closer. “He said that you were one in a million, a sliver of sunshine on a stormy day and if I hurt you, he would come knocking because you deserved to be happy with someone who made you smile instead of cry. It was quite poetic; I can see why he writes lyrics.”

“What did you say?”

The words tumbled from her lips as her heart ached because part of her didn’t believe he had said such things about her...when all she was used to was his callousness.

“I told him not to worry and that there was more chance of me bedding the younger Collins than the female Collins. That you were a dear friend who helped me keep up a rouse that’s very quickly becoming painful.” Andrea was shocked that JJ had outed himself to Declan because she was trying to get him to be truthful about who he really was and help him navigate Hollywood as a gay man but so far, he had repeatedly declined.

“Why would you tell him? Why would you give him that?”

JJ looked wistfully at her, then he cupped her cheek. “I am a fucking great actor and I have made it my business to study expressions and body language. No matter what happened in the past, Andi, Declan walks into a room and he sees not a soul but you. I would give anything to have someone look at me the way he looks at you.”
