Page 36 of Centre Stage

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Chapter Twenty-One


The dayafter they arrived in Australia, the decision was made for the racers to head off to Bahrain for the next race. Noah and Quinn both had been stubborn that they wanted to stay but Mick Sullivan told them that Luke would be spitting fire if he knew they had sat on their asses by his bedside and not gone racing.

Andi planned to stay behind after giving a brief statement to the media about Luke, but Noah had taken her aside, Andi’s eyes widening before she nodded her head and gave Noah a genuine smile before she said something that made Noah laugh.

Then Noah was pulling him into an empty hospital room and Declan had quirked his brow.

“I’ve seen enough medical dramas to know what goes on in an empty room, mate. But you ain’t my type.”

Noah had barked out a laugh, telling him to fuck off, running his fingers through his hair before he asked Declan to come to Bahrain with Andi in a few days his friend explained to him what he wanted to do, and then Declan was grinning and hugging the other man. When Noah asked him if he thought he was insane, proposing to Charlie so soon, with everything going on, Declan had shaken his head and told Noah that he and Charlie were always meant to be and whether it was now or in a few years, this day was always going to happen.

Declan asked Noah what Andi had said, unable to stop himself from asking and Noah grinned before he said. “Andi told me it was about time I sorted my shit out and that if I ever dared to hurt Charlie in any way, she would bury my body in places no one would ever find me.”

That had made Declan grin at the fierce protective woman who had his heart.

Charlie didn’t know that he and Andi would be following to Bahrain, so they said a teary goodbye, and then that left just him and her to travel to the new country the next day. Andi spent the entire time on the phone to JJ, updating him on what was going to happen. Declan no longer felt the burn of jealously, considering the other man had contacted him to tell him he was an idiot and to do something, or someone would find a way to break down Andi’s walls and treat her in the manner she deserved.

On the Wednesday night, Declan had managed to get his hands on an acoustic guitar and practiced his part of Noah’s epic proposal until his fingers ached. He wanted this to be perfect for Noah and Charlie, a little sliver of happiness in the darkest of times.

“Do you need anything else?”

Andi’s voice broke through his thoughts and he lifted his head to smile at her. They hadn’t spoken much since the plane, he just made sure she had eaten and even slept a little. He opened his mouth to speak when Quinn called Declan and told him he needed to get to the track.

There was a chair waiting for him in the darkness, with Andi hiding just behind the pit wall, her phone poised ready to record this moment for the happy couple. It made him wonder how he would propose to Andi, would he do it on stage, in front of thousands to show her just how much he loved her or would he want to do it in private.

Jesus, Declan was getting a little ahead of himself, wasn’t he?

When Charlie and Noah walked hand in hand over the crest of the hill, he froze, not wanting to move in case he spoiled the surprise, lifting his gaze and seeking out the eyes of the girl he couldn’t get out of his veins, and it sent a thrill through him that when he looked at her, Andi was already looking right at him, holding his gaze for a moment before she jerked her gaze away.

The couple came to a halt exactly where they needed to be and Declan couldn’t help the grin from curving up his lips as Noah faced Charlie, taking her face in his hands.

“Do you trust me?” Noah said to Charlie and her response was immediate.

“With my life, with my heart.”

“Close your eyes, Charlotte.”

At that Charlie frowned, no doubt suspicious as to what the hell was going on but she did as he asked. Then Noah put his hands on her hips and shifted her so that she could see all that Noah had done to prove his love for the girl who almost got away.

“Open your eyes, Charlotte.”

That was his cue to get his performance underway and the moment Charlie opened her eyes, Declan closed his, letting Joy Division’s,Love Will Tear Us Apartcarry across the racetrack. He almost didn’t get to witness the romantic moment, but when the song was done, Declan opened his eyes, his fingers still playing as Noah told Charlie.

“I have been in love with you, Charlotte Coyle, since I came crashing into your life and you welcomed me with open arms. I have loved you since and every day I fall harder in love with you. life is short, life isn’t predictable but I know, that I don’t want to spend a second of it without you.”

Declan lifted his gaze to Andi, and it was as if Noah was saying the words that were tattooed into his soul, and would be there long after he was dust on the wind. Andi swiped tears from her eyes, totally focused on the couple, but as if she felt him watching her, she let her gaze drift to his and Declan knew he still had a chance to not fuck it up any more than he already had.

“I want the whole dream with you, Charlie.” Noah continued, his voice even and calm, “I want the wedding, the kids, the career. I want to spend Sundays cheering on little girls with green eyes as they whizz around a karting track. I want to be what we never had, a complete family. But I only want that with you. So, Charlotte Coyle, even though you are far more than I will ever deserve, will you marry me?”

“Yes. Of course, it’s a yes.”

Noah slipped the ring on her finger, then got to his feet, kissing her and twirling her around in his arms as a rapturous amount of applause rang out around them. Charlie had rosy cheeks as everyone cheered and congratulations shouted their way, her eyes filling with tears.

Then Andi stepped out onto the track with her phone held up, waving the phone as she grinned, winking at her best friend. They embraced and then the celebrations got underway, with Declan setting aside his borrowed guitar, grabbing a bottle of non-alcoholic bubbly, and popping the cork to celebrate along with them.

Charlie strode over, pulling Declan into a warm hug and thanking him for the song, and he, in turn, thanked her for giving Noah a second chance. He kissed her cheek, ignoring the playful shove from his friend with a chuckle. Then Noah kissed his fiancé and the entire racetrack cheered.
