Page 37 of Centre Stage

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Later, Declan found himself standing off to the side, watching Andi as she admired Charlie’s ring, discussing plans for the wedding and then Andi’s phone rang and they held up the phone, obviously showing someone on the video call Charlie’s ring.

“I owe you more than a pint, Deco.”

Declan had been so engrossed in staring at Andi that he hadn’t seen the man of the hour walk up to him, leaning against the barrier beside him. “It was nothing. Call it an early engagement present. Saves me having to shell out for some expensive cutlery or whatever the fuck people buy for presents these days.”

Noah laughed, shaking his head, then he sobered. “I never thought I’d be here, engaged to Charlie. After everything I did...after all the shit... and now, fuck...this is what happiness feels like, isn’t it?”

Declan didn’t know how to answer Noah, just sighed as the other man pushed off the wall, and looked him dead in the eye. “You haven’t screwed it up entirely yet, Deco. If me and Charlie can get through what we have, you and Andi can. Isn’t it about time you went and got your girl?”

Noah left him then to stew in his thoughts, annoying Declan as deep down he knew the smug bastard was right. He had hesitated to tell Andi just how much he was in love with her once and it had almost killed him when she left and they were at breaking point now.

Declan knew that no matter what, he wasn’t about to let Andi walk away from him this time without a fight. They would confront the past, head-on, and it would either end up as one of his greatest hits or be the biggest flop he’d ever created.
